January 2009
Foreclosures continue to rise and Title Insurance Companies work with lenders like Fannie Mae to process REO transactions. This change in Rental Policy will better accomodate innocent victims of the foreclosure process and allow for property to stay in good condition as transactions are closed through the title and settlement service process with buyers of the properties.
Fannie Mae will establish a new National Real Estate Owned (REO) Rental Policy that will allow qualified renters in Fannie Mae-owned foreclosed properties to stay in their homes. The company currently has an eviction suspension in place through the end of January, which will allow for the new policy to be fully operational prior to the suspension concluding.
"Renters in foreclosed properties have often been a casualty of the foreclosure crisis the country is facing," said Michael Williams, chief operating officer of Fannie Mae. "This policy will allow qualified renters to remain in Fannie Mae-owned properties should they choose to do so, mitigate the disruption of personal lives that foreclosures can cause, and help bring a measure of stability to communities impacted by high foreclosure rates."
The new policy applies to renters occupying foreclosed properties at the time Fannie Mae acquires the property. Renters occupying any type of single-family property will be eligible including residents of two- to four-unit properties, condos, co-ops, single-family detached homes and manufactured housing. Eligible renters will be offered a new month-to-month lease with Fannie Mae or financial assistance for their transition to new housing should they choose to vacate the property. The properties must meet state laws and local code requirements for a rental property.
Information is courtesy of Derrick LeBlanc of Chicago Title
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Resolutions? Make it a Plan... and clear the Energy Drains first!

Do you know what you like? Do you know what is right for you? Brian Tracy says that it is important to know what is right for yourself before you think of what is possible. Do you know what brings you joy? If you do know, how often do these things show up in your life? Do you plan for them?
It is interesting - and powerful - to focus your attention on what you want in life… experiences you wish to repeat, attributes you wish to develop, goals you wish to reach and, fulfilling ways to spend your time and energy. When you keep your mind, time and energy on these things, there is little time for anything else - and the “anything else” fades away!
At this time of year it is traditional to decide on next year’s priorities. Do this very carefully. Make it a balanced plan with desires in each area of your life to move your physical, social, educational, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual self, forward. Once you have decided on the priorities, assign a daily, weekly, monthly or annual amount of time for each that will satisfy you. This is important. There is no right answer.
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. - Oscar Wilde
What will cause you to feel good about yourself when you do it? It can be different for different people. Some folks want to run a marathon and that is what they mean when they are planning to improve their exercise program. That will take more time than for a person who wants to increase their time doing weight-bearing exercise to prevent osteoporosis. Know what your goal is and why. That will help you assign the appropriate amount of time to each priority.
Make sure that your goals are “do-able”. Build in success this way. Make them very specific, measurable and time-bounded. Your mind can capture a goal that says, “I will lose ten pounds by March 1 by eliminating ice-cream from my diet and walking three miles three times a week”, whereas it has difficulty understanding “I am eating less and exercising more.” Be specific.
Often, there are many things undone in our lives. Things we wish we had done, things we know are always sitting at the back of our minds draining our energy. These are ‘energy leaks’. You know the “(Expletive) I still haven’t ___________yet!” that hits you while you’re waiting for a red light to change. It’s a ‘leak’!
Here is a process that I find amazingly effective. Complete this Personal Integrity Checklist to start your year with no energy ‘leaks’. Download it at for free from
http://www.OptimizeInstitute.com/tools/pic.htm. Clearing away your energy leaks is a good preparation for being successful with your new plan.
Always remember - What you pay attention to expands!
[This came from http://www.progardenbiz.com/wp/lawn-care-business-advice/ but I don't know who wrote it. But it seems like a very good program to start the year! Now it's time for me to clear away my own 'energy leaks'! ~~ Ray]
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Local Housing Market Needs Listings

The local housing market continues to steam forward.
As reported by the National Association of Realtors®, the Pending Home Sales Index posted its 8th consecutive monthly gain in September.
It’s the longest winning streak in the history of the index and Pending Home Sales are now at their highest levels since December 2006. A Pending Home Sale is a home under contract to sell, but not yet closed. It’s the precursor to an Existing Home Sale.
Trade group data shows that nearly 80 percent of “pending” homes close within 2 months. The majority of those remaining close within months 3 and 4.
When the Pending Home Sales Index rises, it tells us that market activity has picked up. September’s data confirms what we’ve been noticing since February — the Buyers Market is ending.
With more homes under contract in the marketplace, homebuyers typically face one or more of the following:
1. Competitive, multiple-offer situations
2. Reduced purchase price leverage over sellers
3. Fewer seller concessions
Therefore, if you’re buying a home in the next several months, know that the 8-month run in Pending Sales will lead to a run in closed sales. The extension of the home buyer tax credit will tend to keep healthy activity in the housing market, boosted by expanded eligibility to existing home owners. All in all, we should see a result in stabilized if not higher home prices, over time.
Indeed, we’re already beginning to see it with multiple offers and price overbidding in some cases, although lags in appraiser values are tending to moderate prices after the bubble's irrational exuberance in home prices.
Right now, the Santa Clarita area active listings number is at near historic lows. Low inventory, especially in the under $500,000 price range, combined with still-low interest rates has resulted in too many potential buyers chasing too few available homes. Over time, if these conditions continue, prices will rise. However, many in the housing industry think that banks are still overwhelmed with foreclosed inventory that is being held off the market and will be offered for sale starting within the next few months. The so-called 'shadow inventory', as it is released, will tend to keep home prices at or near current levels.
So I would not count on any imminent large rise in home prices just yet. But it is a volatile and fragile market. Please give us a call to find out how you can best position yourself for continued changes in the housing market at 661-290-3750.
First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit not complete
First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Gets Obama Nod
An extension of the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit appears all but certain after the Obama administration called on Congress to give house hunters more time to claim the popular tax perk. The move comes shortly after Senate lawmakers stuck an agreement to not only push back the measure's looming deadline but expand it to allow current homeowners and more affluent buyers to claim the credit. "We welcome efforts taken by Congress to extend the first-time home buyers tax credit for a limited period," Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said in a joint statement today. "This credit has brought new families into the housing market and contributed to three consecutive months of rising home prices nationwide." Here are five things you need to know about the development:
1. Roots and impact: A tax credit of as much as $8,000 for certain qualified first-time home buyers was included in the Obama administration's sweeping economic stimulus package, which the president signed in mid-February. The measure was designed to stimulate additional demand for residential real estate and help absorb the overhang of unsold properties that was putting downward pressure on home prices. Along with cheaper home prices and attractive mortgage rates, the perk has helped reduce the glut of unsold properties. Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Economy.com, expects the tax credit to result in as many as 400,000 additional home sales by the time of its scheduled expiration at the end of November. But trade groups—like the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors—have been lobbying Congress to push the deadline back, arguing that failing to do so would jeopardize recent signs of stability in the housing market. The NAHB, for example, blamed yesterday's weaker-than-expected new home sales report on the tax credit's impending expiration.
2. Extending the deadline: Although various proposals to extend and expand the credit have circulated in Congress for weeks, Senate lawmakers finally reached a deal in recent days. Under the terms of the agreement, the deadline for first-time home buyers to claim the $8,000 credit would be pushed back to April 30, 2010. But the term "deadline" doesn't mean the same thing as it does in the current credit. The Senate agreement stipulates that buyers must have a sales contract on a house by April 30 to be eligible, but it gives them an additional 60 days to close the purchase. That's much different from the current credit, in which transactions must be closed by November 30. Looked at one way, the effective deadline of the credit under this agreement is actually the end of June.
3. Existing buyers: But perhaps the most significant change is that current homeowners would become eligible for the tax perk as well. The current credit prevents home buyers who have owned a primary residence within the past three years from claiming the credit. The agreement, however, would allow current homeowners to claim up to $6,500 as long as the property they are vacating has been their primary residence for at least five years. Expanding the credit beyond first-time buyers is intended to boost home sales to "move up" buyers—those moving from one house to another—which some lawmakers, most notably Georgia Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson, argue is essential to a housing recovery.
4. More-affluent home buyers: The agreement also enables more affluent Americans to claim the tax credit. Senators moved to increase its annual income limits from $75,000 to $125,000 for single buyers and from $150,000 to $225,000 for married couples. These limits apply to both first-time and move-up buyers, although neither can purchase a home for more than $800,000 and still get the credit. Anyone taking the credit on a 2010 purchase can claim it on his or her 2009 tax return. And as long as home buyers live in the property they purchased via the credit for three years or more, the tax credit does not have to be repaid.
5. Credit controversy: Zandi estimates that the Senate agreement would generate more home sales than the current credit would. "It's broader, [and] the industry is geared up to take advantage of it now," he says. But first-time home buyer tax credits have already cost the government more than $10 billion in lost revenue, and Zandi expects that the Senate agreement would cost at least as much. And although it's been popular with those purchasing homes, some economists have called the credit an inefficient use of federal resources. Calculated Risk, a financial blog, has estimated that Uncle Sam has paid $43,000 for every additional home sale. And the Senate agreement—which enables households making more than $200,000 a year to claim the credit—could certainly appear overly generous in a time of trillion-dollar budget deficits.
At the same time, the credit has recently been linked to widespread abuse. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration, told a congressional panel last week that 19,300 taxpayers had claimed the first-time home buyer credit before they had even purchased a home. In another 74,000 cases—totaling more than $500 million—taxpayers claimed the credit despite evidence that they had owned a home within the past three years. And in at least one case, a 4-year-old claimed the credit, George said.
Although the agreement appears to have broad bipartisan support, it still has to get out of the chamber. Along the way, it could be stripped of certain generous provisions. But in light of the White House support, it appears all but certain that at the very least, the first-time home buyer tax credit will be extended beyond its November 30 deadline.
Brian Woolley
Prospect Mortgage
An extension of the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit appears all but certain after the Obama administration called on Congress to give house hunters more time to claim the popular tax perk. The move comes shortly after Senate lawmakers stuck an agreement to not only push back the measure's looming deadline but expand it to allow current homeowners and more affluent buyers to claim the credit. "We welcome efforts taken by Congress to extend the first-time home buyers tax credit for a limited period," Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said in a joint statement today. "This credit has brought new families into the housing market and contributed to three consecutive months of rising home prices nationwide." Here are five things you need to know about the development:
1. Roots and impact: A tax credit of as much as $8,000 for certain qualified first-time home buyers was included in the Obama administration's sweeping economic stimulus package, which the president signed in mid-February. The measure was designed to stimulate additional demand for residential real estate and help absorb the overhang of unsold properties that was putting downward pressure on home prices. Along with cheaper home prices and attractive mortgage rates, the perk has helped reduce the glut of unsold properties. Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Economy.com, expects the tax credit to result in as many as 400,000 additional home sales by the time of its scheduled expiration at the end of November. But trade groups—like the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors—have been lobbying Congress to push the deadline back, arguing that failing to do so would jeopardize recent signs of stability in the housing market. The NAHB, for example, blamed yesterday's weaker-than-expected new home sales report on the tax credit's impending expiration.
2. Extending the deadline: Although various proposals to extend and expand the credit have circulated in Congress for weeks, Senate lawmakers finally reached a deal in recent days. Under the terms of the agreement, the deadline for first-time home buyers to claim the $8,000 credit would be pushed back to April 30, 2010. But the term "deadline" doesn't mean the same thing as it does in the current credit. The Senate agreement stipulates that buyers must have a sales contract on a house by April 30 to be eligible, but it gives them an additional 60 days to close the purchase. That's much different from the current credit, in which transactions must be closed by November 30. Looked at one way, the effective deadline of the credit under this agreement is actually the end of June.
3. Existing buyers: But perhaps the most significant change is that current homeowners would become eligible for the tax perk as well. The current credit prevents home buyers who have owned a primary residence within the past three years from claiming the credit. The agreement, however, would allow current homeowners to claim up to $6,500 as long as the property they are vacating has been their primary residence for at least five years. Expanding the credit beyond first-time buyers is intended to boost home sales to "move up" buyers—those moving from one house to another—which some lawmakers, most notably Georgia Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson, argue is essential to a housing recovery.
4. More-affluent home buyers: The agreement also enables more affluent Americans to claim the tax credit. Senators moved to increase its annual income limits from $75,000 to $125,000 for single buyers and from $150,000 to $225,000 for married couples. These limits apply to both first-time and move-up buyers, although neither can purchase a home for more than $800,000 and still get the credit. Anyone taking the credit on a 2010 purchase can claim it on his or her 2009 tax return. And as long as home buyers live in the property they purchased via the credit for three years or more, the tax credit does not have to be repaid.
5. Credit controversy: Zandi estimates that the Senate agreement would generate more home sales than the current credit would. "It's broader, [and] the industry is geared up to take advantage of it now," he says. But first-time home buyer tax credits have already cost the government more than $10 billion in lost revenue, and Zandi expects that the Senate agreement would cost at least as much. And although it's been popular with those purchasing homes, some economists have called the credit an inefficient use of federal resources. Calculated Risk, a financial blog, has estimated that Uncle Sam has paid $43,000 for every additional home sale. And the Senate agreement—which enables households making more than $200,000 a year to claim the credit—could certainly appear overly generous in a time of trillion-dollar budget deficits.
At the same time, the credit has recently been linked to widespread abuse. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration, told a congressional panel last week that 19,300 taxpayers had claimed the first-time home buyer credit before they had even purchased a home. In another 74,000 cases—totaling more than $500 million—taxpayers claimed the credit despite evidence that they had owned a home within the past three years. And in at least one case, a 4-year-old claimed the credit, George said.
Although the agreement appears to have broad bipartisan support, it still has to get out of the chamber. Along the way, it could be stripped of certain generous provisions. But in light of the White House support, it appears all but certain that at the very least, the first-time home buyer tax credit will be extended beyond its November 30 deadline.
Brian Woolley
Prospect Mortgage
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Senate approves extends and expands home buyer credit
The measure is expected to be approved by the House and signed by Obama within days. It is aimed at giving the real estate market an added boost and would expand the credit to existing homeowners.
Reporting from Washington - The Senate today voted to extend and expand a tax credit for home buyers as an added boost for the recovering real estate market, and also approved a provision to continue giving aid to the long-term unemployed.
The measure, adopted on a strong bipartisan vote of 98-0, also would extend and expand a tax benefit for businesses with losses. The House is expected to follow suit within days, and President Obama is expected to sign it into law.
To keep fueling the real estate rebound, the legislation would extend the $8,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers to April 30. It now is set expire at the end of the month. More importantly, it also would provide a new $6,500 tax break for existing homeowners who want to move up to a new home, as long as they have lived in their current residence for five consecutive years out of the last eight.
The bill also would increase the level of qualifying incomes to $125,000 for individual tax filers and $225,000 for joint filers. Those earning up to $145,000 individually or up to $245,000 jointly would get a smaller credit that decreases as income rises.
The tax credits apply to home purchases of $800,000 or less.
"Every economist will tell you we have to steady the housing market before the economy will turn around," said Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). "We can't afford to let this tax credit expire now."
With the unemployment rate at 9.8% and expected to go higher, senators voted to extend jobless benefits by 14 weeks in all states and 20 weeks in the hardest hit states, including California.
The $2.4-billion extension of unemployment benefits gained bipartisan support after it was written to cover all states, making it more appealing to senators. It would provide a longer extension of benefits in the 27 states now with unemployment rates of 8.5% or higher. California's 12.2% unemployment rate in September trailed only Michigan, Nevada and Rhode Island.
Congress included an extension of unemployment benefits in the economic recovery bill approved this year, but up to 600,000 people have already exhausted their benefits, and an additional 700,000 are scheduled lose them by the end of the year, according to the National Employment Law Project.
For all companies, the measure would allow them to use any losses this year or last year to offset taxes paid in the previous five years. A similar measure was included in the economic stimulus legislation approved earlier this year, but was limited to small businesses.
Depend on The Real Blog for real estate news you can use!
Reporting from Washington - The Senate today voted to extend and expand a tax credit for home buyers as an added boost for the recovering real estate market, and also approved a provision to continue giving aid to the long-term unemployed.
The measure, adopted on a strong bipartisan vote of 98-0, also would extend and expand a tax benefit for businesses with losses. The House is expected to follow suit within days, and President Obama is expected to sign it into law.
To keep fueling the real estate rebound, the legislation would extend the $8,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers to April 30. It now is set expire at the end of the month. More importantly, it also would provide a new $6,500 tax break for existing homeowners who want to move up to a new home, as long as they have lived in their current residence for five consecutive years out of the last eight.
The bill also would increase the level of qualifying incomes to $125,000 for individual tax filers and $225,000 for joint filers. Those earning up to $145,000 individually or up to $245,000 jointly would get a smaller credit that decreases as income rises.
The tax credits apply to home purchases of $800,000 or less.
"Every economist will tell you we have to steady the housing market before the economy will turn around," said Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). "We can't afford to let this tax credit expire now."
With the unemployment rate at 9.8% and expected to go higher, senators voted to extend jobless benefits by 14 weeks in all states and 20 weeks in the hardest hit states, including California.
The $2.4-billion extension of unemployment benefits gained bipartisan support after it was written to cover all states, making it more appealing to senators. It would provide a longer extension of benefits in the 27 states now with unemployment rates of 8.5% or higher. California's 12.2% unemployment rate in September trailed only Michigan, Nevada and Rhode Island.
Congress included an extension of unemployment benefits in the economic recovery bill approved this year, but up to 600,000 people have already exhausted their benefits, and an additional 700,000 are scheduled lose them by the end of the year, according to the National Employment Law Project.
For all companies, the measure would allow them to use any losses this year or last year to offset taxes paid in the previous five years. A similar measure was included in the economic stimulus legislation approved earlier this year, but was limited to small businesses.
Depend on The Real Blog for real estate news you can use!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
November 3rd Ballot Recommendation
Please do not be confused by the ballot.
In order to get what YOU want on the November ballot you MUST vote NO on
two questions and YES on only one. IF you wish the City of Santa Clarita
to Annex your area you MUST vote No on A and NO on B and YES on C.
I grew up in this area and have seen the benefits of having local government close at hand and not is some far away place in downtown LA. This City of Santa Clarita works, however imperfectly at times, but in large part because it is locally governed it has become a great area to live. I highly recommend a VOTE of YES on C on your November 3rd ballot.
Only with a VOTE of NO on A - a VOTE of NO on B and a VOTE of YES on C ...
will they consider adding adjoining areas to the city of Santa Clarita.
The disadvantages NONE... Taxes will go DOWN. The various areas considering annexation will still be Tesoro, or Stevenson Ranch, or Castaic, but they will also be Santa Clarita. Just like Northridge is Northridge but ALSO Northridge
is in the City of Los Angeles. The HOA (if any) will still be your HOA, they will
still maintain the common area through the HOA fees.
City services come on a resident first basis as you know, if you are in those areas affected you are NOT residents until you VOTE YES on C, & the city annexes those area. When you are a Santa Clarita resident you go to the front of the line for Parks & Recreation services: Parks classes, sports and activities now fill by a first-come for City residents and the left-overs are for the non-residents, the outsiders. As residents you will be on the INSIDE for dance classes, swimming lessons, sports teams etc.
Increased policing services: The Los Angeles County Sheriff is currently
our policing agency. The city of Santa Clarita also has chosen the LA County
Sheriff... BUT within the city limits they are stronger, more Sheriffs and
their services, per person than outside the city.
A governing board that lives here: Supervisor Antonovitch is not a resident
& has over 2 MILLION constituents & is 27 miles away! The City Council meetings
are at NIGHT twice a month within 5 miles of our homes... NOT during the
day, 27 miles away!
Our tax dollars spent here: We produce more tax dollars here than are spent
here - therefore the extra goes to fund areas far away.
Local Control, Tax Dollars Spent Locally, More Services, LESS taxes: VOTE
YES on C (NO on A & B).
It does not matter what you think about Tesoro, Stevenson Ranch or Westridge
or Castaic, ONLY be concerned with where YOU live... the votes are counted
separately & the City will know what your area wants.
VOTE YES on C & (NO on A & B).
In order to get what YOU want on the November ballot you MUST vote NO on
two questions and YES on only one. IF you wish the City of Santa Clarita
to Annex your area you MUST vote No on A and NO on B and YES on C.
I grew up in this area and have seen the benefits of having local government close at hand and not is some far away place in downtown LA. This City of Santa Clarita works, however imperfectly at times, but in large part because it is locally governed it has become a great area to live. I highly recommend a VOTE of YES on C on your November 3rd ballot.
Only with a VOTE of NO on A - a VOTE of NO on B and a VOTE of YES on C ...
will they consider adding adjoining areas to the city of Santa Clarita.
The disadvantages NONE... Taxes will go DOWN. The various areas considering annexation will still be Tesoro, or Stevenson Ranch, or Castaic, but they will also be Santa Clarita. Just like Northridge is Northridge but ALSO Northridge
is in the City of Los Angeles. The HOA (if any) will still be your HOA, they will
still maintain the common area through the HOA fees.
City services come on a resident first basis as you know, if you are in those areas affected you are NOT residents until you VOTE YES on C, & the city annexes those area. When you are a Santa Clarita resident you go to the front of the line for Parks & Recreation services: Parks classes, sports and activities now fill by a first-come for City residents and the left-overs are for the non-residents, the outsiders. As residents you will be on the INSIDE for dance classes, swimming lessons, sports teams etc.
Increased policing services: The Los Angeles County Sheriff is currently
our policing agency. The city of Santa Clarita also has chosen the LA County
Sheriff... BUT within the city limits they are stronger, more Sheriffs and
their services, per person than outside the city.
A governing board that lives here: Supervisor Antonovitch is not a resident
& has over 2 MILLION constituents & is 27 miles away! The City Council meetings
are at NIGHT twice a month within 5 miles of our homes... NOT during the
day, 27 miles away!
Our tax dollars spent here: We produce more tax dollars here than are spent
here - therefore the extra goes to fund areas far away.
Local Control, Tax Dollars Spent Locally, More Services, LESS taxes: VOTE
YES on C (NO on A & B).
It does not matter what you think about Tesoro, Stevenson Ranch or Westridge
or Castaic, ONLY be concerned with where YOU live... the votes are counted
separately & the City will know what your area wants.
VOTE YES on C & (NO on A & B).
Monday, October 12, 2009
Washington Update: $8,000 Home Buyer Tax Credit
by Kenneth R. Harney
Quick passage by the House last week of a bill extending the $8,000 home buyer tax credit next year for military, diplomatic and intelligence personnel serving overseas increases the odds that Congress will agree to an extension, maybe even an expansion, of the entire credit program well into 2010.
The White House is also signaling that it sees the overall tax credit program -- currently set to expire November 30 -- as an important element in cutting the unemployment rolls and stimulating new jobs next year.
After an economic policy strategy meeting last week in the Oval Office involving President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, congressional aides said Democrats generally support an extension of the housing credit. Reid already has made clear he wants an extension. He is co-sponsoring a Senate bill that would do so for six months.
Congressman Charles Rangel, chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, sponsored the one-year extension of the credit for military and other personnel serving overseas, and is reported by aides as favoring an extension for the entire program.
The White House has not publicly committed to an extension, but has confirmed that the President is seriously examining that option.
An unexpected development that emerged following last week's White House meeting was the possibility of opening up the credit to a broader group of buyers next year - people who sell their current homes and buy a replacement home.
Though details were scanty, Capitol Hill sources said one option on the table would be to provide a tax credit -- most likely at the $8,000 level -- to replacement home buyers whose incomes do not exceed some limit.
The current credit phases out for single taxpayers with incomes above $75,000, and married purchasers earning $150,000.
A politically sensitive issue hovering over the entire debate on extending the housing tax credit is its cost - what it would add to the federal budgetary deficit. Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Economy.com, estimates that widening the credit to all buyers through next August could cost the government upwards of $30 billion.
Rangel's 12-month extension of the credit for service personnel is estimated to cost more than $300 million, but it's mainly being paid for through an increase in penalties levied by the IRS on taxpayers who fail to file corporate or partnership returns.
The New York Times reported that one possible solution to the cost problem would be to divert money not yet spent out of 2009's $800 billion stimulus legislation.
Published: October 12, 2009
Quick passage by the House last week of a bill extending the $8,000 home buyer tax credit next year for military, diplomatic and intelligence personnel serving overseas increases the odds that Congress will agree to an extension, maybe even an expansion, of the entire credit program well into 2010.
The White House is also signaling that it sees the overall tax credit program -- currently set to expire November 30 -- as an important element in cutting the unemployment rolls and stimulating new jobs next year.
After an economic policy strategy meeting last week in the Oval Office involving President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, congressional aides said Democrats generally support an extension of the housing credit. Reid already has made clear he wants an extension. He is co-sponsoring a Senate bill that would do so for six months.
Congressman Charles Rangel, chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, sponsored the one-year extension of the credit for military and other personnel serving overseas, and is reported by aides as favoring an extension for the entire program.
The White House has not publicly committed to an extension, but has confirmed that the President is seriously examining that option.
An unexpected development that emerged following last week's White House meeting was the possibility of opening up the credit to a broader group of buyers next year - people who sell their current homes and buy a replacement home.
Though details were scanty, Capitol Hill sources said one option on the table would be to provide a tax credit -- most likely at the $8,000 level -- to replacement home buyers whose incomes do not exceed some limit.
The current credit phases out for single taxpayers with incomes above $75,000, and married purchasers earning $150,000.
A politically sensitive issue hovering over the entire debate on extending the housing tax credit is its cost - what it would add to the federal budgetary deficit. Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Economy.com, estimates that widening the credit to all buyers through next August could cost the government upwards of $30 billion.
Rangel's 12-month extension of the credit for service personnel is estimated to cost more than $300 million, but it's mainly being paid for through an increase in penalties levied by the IRS on taxpayers who fail to file corporate or partnership returns.
The New York Times reported that one possible solution to the cost problem would be to divert money not yet spent out of 2009's $800 billion stimulus legislation.
Published: October 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
$8000 Tax Credit for First Time Buyers Ends November 30
First time buyers are a large portion of the market pool, particularly since the federal government initiated an $8000 tax credit for first time home buyers. Unfortunately, that program ends on November 30th and it is uncertain that the program will be extended.
If you are a first time home buyer, which by the program's definition is that you have not owned a home within the past three years, you need to take action right now. Here's why: your home purchase must close escrow by 11/30! Since most escrows that upwards of 45 days to close after there is written agreement for the sale between the buyer and seller, you have just a couple of weeks to find and buy a property. Later may well be too late!
Please call us at 661-290-3750 today so that we can get started!
If you are a first time home buyer, which by the program's definition is that you have not owned a home within the past three years, you need to take action right now. Here's why: your home purchase must close escrow by 11/30! Since most escrows that upwards of 45 days to close after there is written agreement for the sale between the buyer and seller, you have just a couple of weeks to find and buy a property. Later may well be too late!
Please call us at 661-290-3750 today so that we can get started!
Home Insurance Basics
One of the largest investments you will make in your life is buying a home. To protect your investment, you need a homeowners insurance policy. More importantly, you need to know how to choose one that meets your particular needs. You can get homeowner's insurance to cover a multitude of situations.
A) The standard policy will usually cover things like fire, smoke, frozen pipes, ice, snow and theft. It also provides coverage for liability claims and legal or medical costs if you find yourself in a lawsuit. For example, if your dog bites the mailman, or your kids friend falls from a tree on your property and breaks his leg, your insurance will cover the medical expenses. The most common liability coverage is $100,000 but it is important to consider whether that amount is sufficient for you. Home insurance offers a variety of deductibles averaging from $500 to $2000, so shop around and decide on what is best for you.
B) Things that are not covered in a standard policy are flood, earthquake and damage caused by an act of war, such as a nuclear accident or terrorism. If you find yourself needing any coverage for these types of things, most companies offer special endorsements, but they cost extra. An endorsement is not an additional policy, but an addendum to the one you already have. If you want coverage for things like jewelry, art and antiques, sports equipment or collections, you will need to request a Personal Property Endorsement. It is a good idea to have these items appraised beforehand. Remember to tell your agent about special security features your home has. This may get you a discount on your premium. Dead-bolt locks, security systems, storm shutters or fire-retardant roofing may lower your premium too.
C) Purchase enough coverage to replace what you are insuring. Replacement Coverage gives you the money to rebuild your house based on the value at the time of the loss. You can also get Extended Replacement Coverage which will pay the cost of the dwelling and/or appurtenant structures if the property is damaged beyond repair. The alternative to Replacement Coverage is a Cash Value Policy which is cheaper, but pays only what your property is worth at the time of the loss, less depreciation for normal wear and tear.
A) The standard policy will usually cover things like fire, smoke, frozen pipes, ice, snow and theft. It also provides coverage for liability claims and legal or medical costs if you find yourself in a lawsuit. For example, if your dog bites the mailman, or your kids friend falls from a tree on your property and breaks his leg, your insurance will cover the medical expenses. The most common liability coverage is $100,000 but it is important to consider whether that amount is sufficient for you. Home insurance offers a variety of deductibles averaging from $500 to $2000, so shop around and decide on what is best for you.
B) Things that are not covered in a standard policy are flood, earthquake and damage caused by an act of war, such as a nuclear accident or terrorism. If you find yourself needing any coverage for these types of things, most companies offer special endorsements, but they cost extra. An endorsement is not an additional policy, but an addendum to the one you already have. If you want coverage for things like jewelry, art and antiques, sports equipment or collections, you will need to request a Personal Property Endorsement. It is a good idea to have these items appraised beforehand. Remember to tell your agent about special security features your home has. This may get you a discount on your premium. Dead-bolt locks, security systems, storm shutters or fire-retardant roofing may lower your premium too.
C) Purchase enough coverage to replace what you are insuring. Replacement Coverage gives you the money to rebuild your house based on the value at the time of the loss. You can also get Extended Replacement Coverage which will pay the cost of the dwelling and/or appurtenant structures if the property is damaged beyond repair. The alternative to Replacement Coverage is a Cash Value Policy which is cheaper, but pays only what your property is worth at the time of the loss, less depreciation for normal wear and tear.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Why is INFLATION in the News?
If you've seen the news lately, you know concerns about inflation are increasing. But what does this really mean to you?
Let's start with what it means in general. The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines inflation as the "upward price movement of goods and services in an economy." There are a variety of indices that measure different aspects of inflation-including the Consumer Price Index, whose latest reading showed that the cost of living in the US rose more than forecast due largely to a jump in energy costs.
The fact is that inflation is a very serious issue that many traders, legislators and lenders are concerned about because it will likely be on the rise as 2009 proceeds.
How Does Inflation Impact Interest Rates...and Why?
The bottom line is that as inflation increases, home loan rates will rise too. That's because lenders know that a rise in inflation actually diminishes the value of the money they receive over the life of a loan, as the money they receive for payment simply won't go as far. So when they see changes in inflation or even anticipate a rise, they increase their interest rates to make up for the loss in future buying power that will happen as a result of inflation.
Two Resources to Learn More...
To help you learn more about this important topic, take a look at two important links.
The first link takes you to a short news clip featuring the nation's foremost mortgage industry expert, Barry Habib. In this video, you'll learn how inflation impacts interest rates and what the outlook is for down the road.
The second link is as much educational as it is fun.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has included a CPI inflation calculator on its website. This easy-to-use calculator allows you to see how much your money was worth in an earlier period-and vice versa. Simply type in an amount of money, select the years you want to compare, and hit the "calculate" button. The results are instantaneous...and may surprise you!
For instance, did you know that $33.66 in 1979 had the same buying power as $100 in 2009? That's a huge change in the last 30 years. This is a great way to see how inflation impacts your buying power. You can even use the CPI inflation calculator to have a discussion with children about inflation...and show them how much the value of a dollar has changed over the years.
What Should You Do?
Work with a real estate professional who pays close attention to what's going on with inflation-not only with the reports that come out, but also with the rumors and concerns that legislators and lenders express. After all, lenders may raise rates to protect their money as soon as they feel the tide turning.
More importantly...if you or any of your family, friends, neighbors or co-workers have been considering a purchase or refinance, this is a great time to act as home loan rates could be on the rise. The good news is that home loan rates are still near multi-year lows and present a great opportunity for those people who act quickly.
Please contact me today to discuss your specific situation, and feel free to forward this email to other people whom you think might benefit from it as well.
If you've seen the news lately, you know concerns about inflation are increasing. But what does this really mean to you?
Let's start with what it means in general. The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines inflation as the "upward price movement of goods and services in an economy." There are a variety of indices that measure different aspects of inflation-including the Consumer Price Index, whose latest reading showed that the cost of living in the US rose more than forecast due largely to a jump in energy costs.
The fact is that inflation is a very serious issue that many traders, legislators and lenders are concerned about because it will likely be on the rise as 2009 proceeds.
How Does Inflation Impact Interest Rates...and Why?
The bottom line is that as inflation increases, home loan rates will rise too. That's because lenders know that a rise in inflation actually diminishes the value of the money they receive over the life of a loan, as the money they receive for payment simply won't go as far. So when they see changes in inflation or even anticipate a rise, they increase their interest rates to make up for the loss in future buying power that will happen as a result of inflation.
Two Resources to Learn More...
To help you learn more about this important topic, take a look at two important links.
The first link takes you to a short news clip featuring the nation's foremost mortgage industry expert, Barry Habib. In this video, you'll learn how inflation impacts interest rates and what the outlook is for down the road.
The second link is as much educational as it is fun.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has included a CPI inflation calculator on its website. This easy-to-use calculator allows you to see how much your money was worth in an earlier period-and vice versa. Simply type in an amount of money, select the years you want to compare, and hit the "calculate" button. The results are instantaneous...and may surprise you!
For instance, did you know that $33.66 in 1979 had the same buying power as $100 in 2009? That's a huge change in the last 30 years. This is a great way to see how inflation impacts your buying power. You can even use the CPI inflation calculator to have a discussion with children about inflation...and show them how much the value of a dollar has changed over the years.
What Should You Do?
Work with a real estate professional who pays close attention to what's going on with inflation-not only with the reports that come out, but also with the rumors and concerns that legislators and lenders express. After all, lenders may raise rates to protect their money as soon as they feel the tide turning.
More importantly...if you or any of your family, friends, neighbors or co-workers have been considering a purchase or refinance, this is a great time to act as home loan rates could be on the rise. The good news is that home loan rates are still near multi-year lows and present a great opportunity for those people who act quickly.
Please contact me today to discuss your specific situation, and feel free to forward this email to other people whom you think might benefit from it as well.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The $8,000 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Expires December 1, 2009
If you're planning to claim use the credit and haven't started looking for a home, your clock is officially ticking. You must be closed on your new home on or before December 1.
Because purchase closings come 60-days standard, therefore, your $8,000 is in jeopardy unless you go under contract prior to October 2, 2009. That's 73 days from now.
Use it or lose it. The First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. In it, Congress authorized a first-time homebuyer tax credit of up to $8,000 for home buyers meeting certain qualifying criteria. The program's goal was to stimulate entry-level home purchases and, by most measures, the plan has been successful.
First-time home buyers accounted for about one-third of all home resales in May.
Now, the IRS definition of "first-time home buyer" may be different from what you expect. According to the IRS, a first-time home buyer is anyone who has not owned a "main home" in the last 3 years with "main home" defined as a home in which a person has lived "for most of the time". Main homes can include traditional homes, houseboats, trailers and other residence types.
For couples -- married or otherwise -- both home buyers must be first-timers to be tax credit-eligible.
Moreover, not every first-time home buyer is eligible for the $8,000 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit. Some notable exclusionary cases include first-time home buyers who:
-- File taxes separately and whose adjusted gross income exceeds $95,000
-- File taxes jointly and whose adjusted gross income exeeeds $170,000
-- Acquire property from a mother, father, sibling or child
-- Acquire property from an entity in which they're a majority owner
-- Acquire the home by gift or inheritance
And then, the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit may not deliver the full $8,000.
The tax credit is limited to 10 percent of the home's purchase price the it also diminishes as home buyer income rises. Tax credit phase-outs start at $75,000 for homebuyers filing separately and $150,000 on joint returns.
Assuming you qualify, though, the good news is that it's easy to claim your tax credit.
-- Buy and close on a new, "main" home before December 1, 2009.
-- Submit IRS Form 5405 with your 2009 tax returns in April 2010.
That's it.
Meanwhile, the program does come with some gotchas. For example, If you sell your home, or cease to use it as your "main home" within 36 months of purchase, the IRS will require a full payback. There are only a few allowable exceptions to this policy and you shouldn't count on being granted one.
Not moving in the next 3 years? Don't worry about it.
Because purchase closings come 60-days standard, therefore, your $8,000 is in jeopardy unless you go under contract prior to October 2, 2009. That's 73 days from now.
Use it or lose it. The First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. In it, Congress authorized a first-time homebuyer tax credit of up to $8,000 for home buyers meeting certain qualifying criteria. The program's goal was to stimulate entry-level home purchases and, by most measures, the plan has been successful.
First-time home buyers accounted for about one-third of all home resales in May.
Now, the IRS definition of "first-time home buyer" may be different from what you expect. According to the IRS, a first-time home buyer is anyone who has not owned a "main home" in the last 3 years with "main home" defined as a home in which a person has lived "for most of the time". Main homes can include traditional homes, houseboats, trailers and other residence types.
For couples -- married or otherwise -- both home buyers must be first-timers to be tax credit-eligible.
Moreover, not every first-time home buyer is eligible for the $8,000 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit. Some notable exclusionary cases include first-time home buyers who:
-- File taxes separately and whose adjusted gross income exceeds $95,000
-- File taxes jointly and whose adjusted gross income exeeeds $170,000
-- Acquire property from a mother, father, sibling or child
-- Acquire property from an entity in which they're a majority owner
-- Acquire the home by gift or inheritance
And then, the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit may not deliver the full $8,000.
The tax credit is limited to 10 percent of the home's purchase price the it also diminishes as home buyer income rises. Tax credit phase-outs start at $75,000 for homebuyers filing separately and $150,000 on joint returns.
Assuming you qualify, though, the good news is that it's easy to claim your tax credit.
-- Buy and close on a new, "main" home before December 1, 2009.
-- Submit IRS Form 5405 with your 2009 tax returns in April 2010.
That's it.
Meanwhile, the program does come with some gotchas. For example, If you sell your home, or cease to use it as your "main home" within 36 months of purchase, the IRS will require a full payback. There are only a few allowable exceptions to this policy and you shouldn't count on being granted one.
Not moving in the next 3 years? Don't worry about it.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Summer’s Coming, But Confusion Reigns Over Federal Pool Safety Law
Summer’s Coming, But Confusion Reigns Over Federal Pool Safety Law
Nearly four months after the federal Pool and Spa Safety Act went into effect and with summer swimming season coming soon, many public pool owners still are unsure about what they need to do to comply with the law and unscrupulous businesses are trying to cash in on the confusion.
The law requires the owners of all public pools and spas – including those in hotels, apartment complexes, home-owners associations and other common areas – to install covers on pool drains. In the past 20 years, dozens of children have become sucked into or trapped underwater in the drains and died or been severely injured.
Maybe it’s because the law was launched in the cold of winter, when most of the country is hardly thinking of taking a dip, but there seems to be a lot of uncertainty over how to comply with the newish law.
There are about 300,000 public pools in the United States, mostly in warm weather states like California, Florida, Arizona, and Texas. However, only about 30 percent of pools currently comply with the law, officials said.
Since violating the law carries some hefty fines — up to $1.8 million per infraction plus criminal penalties, including additional fines and imprisonment – it makes sense for pool owners to make sure they are in compliance.
Requirements Spelled Out, Myths Debunked
Since there has been much misinformation spread about the requirements of the pool and spa safety act, federal officials are taking some time to spell out the rules.
All public pools must include approved safety drain covers, while single drain public pools must also install approved anti-entrapment devices, such as a Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS), an automatic pump shut-off system, a gravity drainage system, or a suction-limiting vent system, officials said.
Privately owned pools and spas in the backyards of private homes are NOT covered by the law and are not required to install any drain covers. Reports have been received about pool maintenance companies quoted thousands of dollars to install the required covers, but officials said no such costs are warranted in order to comply with the law.
Other details just re-released include:
• Single drain public pools are NOT required to install multiple drains. The federal law only requires that single drain pools install approved anti-entrapment drain covers and use one of the other secondary layers of protection listed above.
• Pools do NOT need to be drained in order for drain covers to be installed. Doing so could waste billions of dollars of water.
• The law does NOT require public pools install new sumps.
• Dual drain pools only need to install approved safety drain covers to comply with the law, but PSC and Safe Kids strongly recommend all pools and spas, even private residential pools and spas, install both approved drain covers and an additional layer of protection.
Writing this from sunny San Diego (75 degrees and sunny, again!), we nonetheless feel compelled to remind the rest of the United States that summer swimming season is approaching fast. In another couple of months, millions of U.S. school children will don swimming trunks and bathing suits and dive into one of thousands of public pools.
Without the pool drain covers and other safety measures now mandated by the Pool and Spa Safety Act, these children are increased risk of death and severe injuries. Please take time today to double check your community pool and ask the owner of the pool if they have installed the safety devices. Let’s make the summer of 2009 safe and fun when it comes to children’s pool safety.
Nearly four months after the federal Pool and Spa Safety Act went into effect and with summer swimming season coming soon, many public pool owners still are unsure about what they need to do to comply with the law and unscrupulous businesses are trying to cash in on the confusion.
The law requires the owners of all public pools and spas – including those in hotels, apartment complexes, home-owners associations and other common areas – to install covers on pool drains. In the past 20 years, dozens of children have become sucked into or trapped underwater in the drains and died or been severely injured.
Maybe it’s because the law was launched in the cold of winter, when most of the country is hardly thinking of taking a dip, but there seems to be a lot of uncertainty over how to comply with the newish law.
There are about 300,000 public pools in the United States, mostly in warm weather states like California, Florida, Arizona, and Texas. However, only about 30 percent of pools currently comply with the law, officials said.
Since violating the law carries some hefty fines — up to $1.8 million per infraction plus criminal penalties, including additional fines and imprisonment – it makes sense for pool owners to make sure they are in compliance.
Requirements Spelled Out, Myths Debunked
Since there has been much misinformation spread about the requirements of the pool and spa safety act, federal officials are taking some time to spell out the rules.
All public pools must include approved safety drain covers, while single drain public pools must also install approved anti-entrapment devices, such as a Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS), an automatic pump shut-off system, a gravity drainage system, or a suction-limiting vent system, officials said.
Privately owned pools and spas in the backyards of private homes are NOT covered by the law and are not required to install any drain covers. Reports have been received about pool maintenance companies quoted thousands of dollars to install the required covers, but officials said no such costs are warranted in order to comply with the law.
Other details just re-released include:
• Single drain public pools are NOT required to install multiple drains. The federal law only requires that single drain pools install approved anti-entrapment drain covers and use one of the other secondary layers of protection listed above.
• Pools do NOT need to be drained in order for drain covers to be installed. Doing so could waste billions of dollars of water.
• The law does NOT require public pools install new sumps.
• Dual drain pools only need to install approved safety drain covers to comply with the law, but PSC and Safe Kids strongly recommend all pools and spas, even private residential pools and spas, install both approved drain covers and an additional layer of protection.
Writing this from sunny San Diego (75 degrees and sunny, again!), we nonetheless feel compelled to remind the rest of the United States that summer swimming season is approaching fast. In another couple of months, millions of U.S. school children will don swimming trunks and bathing suits and dive into one of thousands of public pools.
Without the pool drain covers and other safety measures now mandated by the Pool and Spa Safety Act, these children are increased risk of death and severe injuries. Please take time today to double check your community pool and ask the owner of the pool if they have installed the safety devices. Let’s make the summer of 2009 safe and fun when it comes to children’s pool safety.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
New FHA program confuses Nation
Most of you have already heard that Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced yesterday that FHA is going to permit it's lenders to allow home buyers to use the $8,000 tax credit as down payment.
First of all, it was not clear that this was to be a short term or bridge loan from approved entities. And there are no entities offering this short term loan as of yet.
Second, the letter has been removed from HUD"s website and we have been told that it has been recinded. Speculation is that it goes against HUD's policy of allowable sources of funds for closing which includes:
1. Buyers own funds
2. Gift from relative or employer
3. Monies from Federal, state and Local Governmental agencies and non profit agencies of government.
4. Secured funds ie 401k loans
As of now, nothing has been changed in the guidelines to allow for this short term bridge loan against a future tax credit.
Please clarify this with your clients who may be getting mis information from the media, or other lenders that have jumped the gun and not gotten the facts.
For more information, please visit or refer your clients to my website for recent blogs about the subject.
In a later email from another lender, Eric Mitchell of Prospect Mortgage:
"FHA has announced they will allow buyers to finance their tax credit and use that as their down payment. However, this new policy will probably take at least 30 to 60 days to filter through the system before investors will buy the paper. The announcement was made but the system is not allowing it yet."
The Obama Administration's Housing and Urban Development Department has thrown open the doors to high expectations for many first-time buyers. How this will play out in the short, medium, and long term is just unknown at this point.
`` SCV Home Team
First of all, it was not clear that this was to be a short term or bridge loan from approved entities. And there are no entities offering this short term loan as of yet.
Second, the letter has been removed from HUD"s website and we have been told that it has been recinded. Speculation is that it goes against HUD's policy of allowable sources of funds for closing which includes:
1. Buyers own funds
2. Gift from relative or employer
3. Monies from Federal, state and Local Governmental agencies and non profit agencies of government.
4. Secured funds ie 401k loans
As of now, nothing has been changed in the guidelines to allow for this short term bridge loan against a future tax credit.
Please clarify this with your clients who may be getting mis information from the media, or other lenders that have jumped the gun and not gotten the facts.
For more information, please visit or refer your clients to my website for recent blogs about the subject.
In a later email from another lender, Eric Mitchell of Prospect Mortgage:
"FHA has announced they will allow buyers to finance their tax credit and use that as their down payment. However, this new policy will probably take at least 30 to 60 days to filter through the system before investors will buy the paper. The announcement was made but the system is not allowing it yet."
The Obama Administration's Housing and Urban Development Department has thrown open the doors to high expectations for many first-time buyers. How this will play out in the short, medium, and long term is just unknown at this point.
`` SCV Home Team
Update on FHA plan to allow use of tax credit for down payments
FHA plans to allow use of tax credit for down payments
According to a release, HUD Secretary Donovan is going to allow an advance of the $8000 tax credit for first time home buyers to be used for the down payment on FHA loans. Rather than waiting for refunds after the closing, funds will be available at the closing. A second mortgage will be filed and repayment terms will vary. It is important to keep the home as a primary residence for at least 3 years.
Updates to the HUD handbook are as follows [although lenders who implement the program will have clearer instructions]:
II. FHA Guidance
The Tax Credit: Secondary Financing:
Entities that can offer tax credit advances with second liens.
• Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and nonprofit instrumentalities of government.
• FHA-approved nonprofits.
Additional information about these entities:
• Government agencies and instrumentalities of government are described in handbook HUD-4155.1 REV-5, paragraphs 1-13 A and B.
• FHA-approved nonprofits can be found, per each Homeownership Center jurisdiction, at: http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/np/np_hoc.cfm
How the secondary financing works:
• The tax credit advance, when combined with the FHA-insured first mortgage may not result in cash back to the borrower. The second lien may not exceed the total needed for the downpayment, closing costs and prepaid expenses.
• The tax credit advance must provide that if the borrower does not repay the amount borrowed by the designated deadline, that principal and interest payments begin automatically.
• If payments on the tax credit advance are required, they must be included in qualifying the borrower and, when combined with the first mortgage, cannot exceed the borrower’s reasonable ability to pay.
• If payments on the tax credit are deferred, the deferment must be for a minimum of 36 months in order for the payment to not be included in the qualifying ratios.
• The tax credit advance second mortgage must not provide for a balloon payment before ten years.
The Tax Credit: Short-Term Loan:
Entities that can offer the tax credit advance with short-term loans:
• Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and nonprofit instrumentalities of government, FHA-approved nonprofits, and FHA-approved mortgagees may provide short-term or “bridge loans” secured only by the anticipated tax credit due the homebuyer as collateral.
How the short-term tax credit advance loan works:
• The amount that may be borrowed in this manner may not exceed the anticipated tax credit due the homebuyer based on the computations of form IRS 5405.
• Fees and charges for the tax credit advance loan are not to exceed a nominal amount necessary for preparing and administering the loan.
The Down Payment Assistance Program has come back in another form.
[Is this a repeat of the public policy mistakes of the past, using 'no-down mortgages'? Since something should be done to stop the continuing slide in prices, encouraging those who have limited means to buy homes is one way to do it. Will this just extend the time of foreclosures further into the future? Probably. However, we as Realtors and as Homebuyers will always continue to take action in our own best interest. As they say, public policy issues are above our pay grade. We just hope that those who are in that pay grade have the experience and the wisdom to make the best decisions on behalf of the national interest. If time proves them wrong, we should vote them out, and the sooner the better.]
According to a release, HUD Secretary Donovan is going to allow an advance of the $8000 tax credit for first time home buyers to be used for the down payment on FHA loans. Rather than waiting for refunds after the closing, funds will be available at the closing. A second mortgage will be filed and repayment terms will vary. It is important to keep the home as a primary residence for at least 3 years.
Updates to the HUD handbook are as follows [although lenders who implement the program will have clearer instructions]:
II. FHA Guidance
The Tax Credit: Secondary Financing:
Entities that can offer tax credit advances with second liens.
• Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and nonprofit instrumentalities of government.
• FHA-approved nonprofits.
Additional information about these entities:
• Government agencies and instrumentalities of government are described in handbook HUD-4155.1 REV-5, paragraphs 1-13 A and B.
• FHA-approved nonprofits can be found, per each Homeownership Center jurisdiction, at: http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/np/np_hoc.cfm
How the secondary financing works:
• The tax credit advance, when combined with the FHA-insured first mortgage may not result in cash back to the borrower. The second lien may not exceed the total needed for the downpayment, closing costs and prepaid expenses.
• The tax credit advance must provide that if the borrower does not repay the amount borrowed by the designated deadline, that principal and interest payments begin automatically.
• If payments on the tax credit advance are required, they must be included in qualifying the borrower and, when combined with the first mortgage, cannot exceed the borrower’s reasonable ability to pay.
• If payments on the tax credit are deferred, the deferment must be for a minimum of 36 months in order for the payment to not be included in the qualifying ratios.
• The tax credit advance second mortgage must not provide for a balloon payment before ten years.
The Tax Credit: Short-Term Loan:
Entities that can offer the tax credit advance with short-term loans:
• Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and nonprofit instrumentalities of government, FHA-approved nonprofits, and FHA-approved mortgagees may provide short-term or “bridge loans” secured only by the anticipated tax credit due the homebuyer as collateral.
How the short-term tax credit advance loan works:
• The amount that may be borrowed in this manner may not exceed the anticipated tax credit due the homebuyer based on the computations of form IRS 5405.
• Fees and charges for the tax credit advance loan are not to exceed a nominal amount necessary for preparing and administering the loan.
The Down Payment Assistance Program has come back in another form.
[Is this a repeat of the public policy mistakes of the past, using 'no-down mortgages'? Since something should be done to stop the continuing slide in prices, encouraging those who have limited means to buy homes is one way to do it. Will this just extend the time of foreclosures further into the future? Probably. However, we as Realtors and as Homebuyers will always continue to take action in our own best interest. As they say, public policy issues are above our pay grade. We just hope that those who are in that pay grade have the experience and the wisdom to make the best decisions on behalf of the national interest. If time proves them wrong, we should vote them out, and the sooner the better.]
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Surprise: FHA Will Allow 'Advances' on FTHB Tax Credit
National Mortgage News and SourceMedia, Inc.
May 12, 2009
The government today gave the green light to the financing of bridge loans of up to $8,000 to first time home buyers who qualify for tax credits under the Obama Administration's economic stimulus plan. The new mortgagee letter stipulates that government agencies, non-profits and FHA-approved lenders can give advances on the tax credits. Housing secretary Shaun Donovan told a national Realtor group Tuesday that, "We want to enable FHA consumers to access the tax credit funds when they close on their home loans so that cash can be used as a downpayment." The mortgagee letter is now available online but more details are to follow.
May 12, 2009
The government today gave the green light to the financing of bridge loans of up to $8,000 to first time home buyers who qualify for tax credits under the Obama Administration's economic stimulus plan. The new mortgagee letter stipulates that government agencies, non-profits and FHA-approved lenders can give advances on the tax credits. Housing secretary Shaun Donovan told a national Realtor group Tuesday that, "We want to enable FHA consumers to access the tax credit funds when they close on their home loans so that cash can be used as a downpayment." The mortgagee letter is now available online but more details are to follow.
Understanding Your Credit Part 3
Understanding Your Credit
And Making The Most Of It. (Part 3)
A Quick Recap!
A credit score is a number lenders use to help them decide: If I give this person a loan or credit card, how likely is it that he or she will become 90 days or more late in a 24 month period. A credit score is a snapshot of your credit risk at a particular point in time. It may range from 350 to 850 with the average consumer score being 686. Credit scores are provided to lenders by the three major credit reporting agencies also know as repositories: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
Five Factors Determining A Credit Score
1. Late payments.
2. Frequency and patterns of credit use.
3. How long credit has been established.
4. The number of times credit has been requested (inquires).
5. The types of credit (i.e. revolving, installment, secured, unsecured.)
How Credit Bureaus Rank your Credit Score
1. 35% is based on payment history.
A recent 30 day late payment is worse than a 90 day late payment that occurred more than 12 months ago. This can lower your score by 60 points or more.
2. 30% is based on existing balances.
Make sure the balances do not exceed 50% of the maximum limit on each card. Over 50% of the credit card limit will have a significant negative effect on your credit score. Distribute existing credit card debt among three to five cards.
3. 15% is based on how long your credit has been established.
Do not close accounts that have a perfect payment history and have been open for at least three years. These cards have a positive effect on your credit score.
4. 10% is based on types of credit.
A combination of credit types is best. For example, a mortgage, an auto loan and three to five revolving credit cards is ideal. Home equity lines of credit are reported as a credit card debt when the amount is less then $30,000. Try to apply for lines of credit for at least $30,000.
5. 10% is based on inquiries.
Credit inquiries from various industries can lower your credit score up to 60 points. If multiple mortgage inquiries are within a 30-day window, they count as one inquiry in total. This is also true for the auto and insurance Industry inquiries. Personal credit and bank account review inquiries do not count.
Tips To Help Protect Your Credit
1) Be very careful providing personal financial information over the internet. If you are going to provide credit card numbers, social security number, etc over the internet make sure it is through a secure website. Look for https:// instead of http:// at the website address and look for the little yellow padlock on the lower right corner of the screen.
2) Use a paper shredder when discarding any personal credit information such as credit solicitations, credit card statements, pay stubs, invoices, bank statements, etc
3) Keep a list of all credit card accounts with their respective customer service phone numbers in a safe place in the event your wallet or purse is lost or stolen.
4) Never use your full name on personal checks, use your initials instead. For example: J. Doe or J.C. Doe. If your checkbook is lost or stolen, no one will know how to sign your check (except for the bank.)
5) When paying your credit card bill, do not put your full credit card number on the memo line of your personal check. Only list the last 4 digits of your account number.
6) It is not wise nor is it necessary to carry your social security card in your wallet or purse. Commit the number to memory and keep the card at home in a safe place.
7) If your wallet or purse is stolen, contact one of the three credit bureaus immediately and have them issue a fraud alert. That credit bureau will notify the other two. This will be done free of charge and you will receive a credit report showing that the fraud alert has been issued.
Here are the three credit bureaus:
Equifax 800-685-1111 www.equifax.com
Experian 888-EXPERIAN www.experian.com
Trans Union 800-916-8800 www.transunion.com
As always, if you need help or advice, just give me a call or email. More to follow!
And Making The Most Of It. (Part 3)
A Quick Recap!
A credit score is a number lenders use to help them decide: If I give this person a loan or credit card, how likely is it that he or she will become 90 days or more late in a 24 month period. A credit score is a snapshot of your credit risk at a particular point in time. It may range from 350 to 850 with the average consumer score being 686. Credit scores are provided to lenders by the three major credit reporting agencies also know as repositories: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
Five Factors Determining A Credit Score
1. Late payments.
2. Frequency and patterns of credit use.
3. How long credit has been established.
4. The number of times credit has been requested (inquires).
5. The types of credit (i.e. revolving, installment, secured, unsecured.)
How Credit Bureaus Rank your Credit Score
1. 35% is based on payment history.
A recent 30 day late payment is worse than a 90 day late payment that occurred more than 12 months ago. This can lower your score by 60 points or more.
2. 30% is based on existing balances.
Make sure the balances do not exceed 50% of the maximum limit on each card. Over 50% of the credit card limit will have a significant negative effect on your credit score. Distribute existing credit card debt among three to five cards.
3. 15% is based on how long your credit has been established.
Do not close accounts that have a perfect payment history and have been open for at least three years. These cards have a positive effect on your credit score.
4. 10% is based on types of credit.
A combination of credit types is best. For example, a mortgage, an auto loan and three to five revolving credit cards is ideal. Home equity lines of credit are reported as a credit card debt when the amount is less then $30,000. Try to apply for lines of credit for at least $30,000.
5. 10% is based on inquiries.
Credit inquiries from various industries can lower your credit score up to 60 points. If multiple mortgage inquiries are within a 30-day window, they count as one inquiry in total. This is also true for the auto and insurance Industry inquiries. Personal credit and bank account review inquiries do not count.
Tips To Help Protect Your Credit
1) Be very careful providing personal financial information over the internet. If you are going to provide credit card numbers, social security number, etc over the internet make sure it is through a secure website. Look for https:// instead of http:// at the website address and look for the little yellow padlock on the lower right corner of the screen.
2) Use a paper shredder when discarding any personal credit information such as credit solicitations, credit card statements, pay stubs, invoices, bank statements, etc
3) Keep a list of all credit card accounts with their respective customer service phone numbers in a safe place in the event your wallet or purse is lost or stolen.
4) Never use your full name on personal checks, use your initials instead. For example: J. Doe or J.C. Doe. If your checkbook is lost or stolen, no one will know how to sign your check (except for the bank.)
5) When paying your credit card bill, do not put your full credit card number on the memo line of your personal check. Only list the last 4 digits of your account number.
6) It is not wise nor is it necessary to carry your social security card in your wallet or purse. Commit the number to memory and keep the card at home in a safe place.
7) If your wallet or purse is stolen, contact one of the three credit bureaus immediately and have them issue a fraud alert. That credit bureau will notify the other two. This will be done free of charge and you will receive a credit report showing that the fraud alert has been issued.
Here are the three credit bureaus:
Equifax 800-685-1111 www.equifax.com
Experian 888-EXPERIAN www.experian.com
Trans Union 800-916-8800 www.transunion.com
As always, if you need help or advice, just give me a call or email. More to follow!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Understanding Reverse Mortgages
The Basics
A "reverse" mortgage is a loan against your home that you do not have to pay back for as long as you live there. No matter how this loan is paid out to you, you typically don't have to pay anything back until you die, sell your home, or permanently move out of your home. Homeowners 62 and older who have paid off their mortgages or have only small mortgage balances remaining are eligible to participate in HUD's reverse mortgage program. The property must be your principal residence. The program allows homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes in a variety of different ways. (What is HUD? The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws.)
Obtaining a traditional loan (a "forward" mortgage) requires that the lender check your credit/income to see how much you can afford to pay back each month. But with a reverse mortgage, you don't have to make monthly repayments. Your income generally has nothing to do with getting the loan. You could have no income and still be able to get a reverse mortgage. With most home loans, if you fail to make your monthly repayments, you could lose your home. Reverse mortgages do not have monthly repayments, so you can't lose your home by failing to make them. You can turn the value of your home into cash without having to move or to repay the loan each month. The cash you get from a reverse mortgage can be paid to you in several ways:
• All at once, in a single lump sum of cash
• As a regular monthly cash payment to you
• As a "credit line" account that lets you decide when and how much of your available cash is paid to you
• As a combination of these payment methods
Another feature is that the money paid to you is not taxable. This is because it is not income, it is a loan! The amount of cash you can get from a reverse mortgage depends on the program you select and - within each program - on your age, home, and current mortgage rates. With a reverse mortgage, you are taking the equity out in cash, so your debt increases and your home equity decreases.
Reverse mortgages allow you to use debt to turn your equity into income. You are reversing the deal you used to initially buy your home. Then, you had income and wanted equity. Now, you have equity and want income. There are also no limits on the value of homes qualifying for a HUD reverse mortgage. However, the amount that may be borrowed is capped by the maximum FHA loan limit for each city and county. It varies from $172,632 in rural areas to $312,895 in many major metropolitan areas (and even higher in Alaska, Hawaii & the U.S. Virgin Islands) depending on local housing costs. The size of reverse mortgage loans is determined by the borrower's age, the interest rate, and the home's value. The older a borrower, the larger the percentage of the home's value that can be borrowed. As always, if you need help or advice, just respond to this email.
A "reverse" mortgage is a loan against your home that you do not have to pay back for as long as you live there. No matter how this loan is paid out to you, you typically don't have to pay anything back until you die, sell your home, or permanently move out of your home. Homeowners 62 and older who have paid off their mortgages or have only small mortgage balances remaining are eligible to participate in HUD's reverse mortgage program. The property must be your principal residence. The program allows homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes in a variety of different ways. (What is HUD? The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws.)
Obtaining a traditional loan (a "forward" mortgage) requires that the lender check your credit/income to see how much you can afford to pay back each month. But with a reverse mortgage, you don't have to make monthly repayments. Your income generally has nothing to do with getting the loan. You could have no income and still be able to get a reverse mortgage. With most home loans, if you fail to make your monthly repayments, you could lose your home. Reverse mortgages do not have monthly repayments, so you can't lose your home by failing to make them. You can turn the value of your home into cash without having to move or to repay the loan each month. The cash you get from a reverse mortgage can be paid to you in several ways:
• All at once, in a single lump sum of cash
• As a regular monthly cash payment to you
• As a "credit line" account that lets you decide when and how much of your available cash is paid to you
• As a combination of these payment methods
Another feature is that the money paid to you is not taxable. This is because it is not income, it is a loan! The amount of cash you can get from a reverse mortgage depends on the program you select and - within each program - on your age, home, and current mortgage rates. With a reverse mortgage, you are taking the equity out in cash, so your debt increases and your home equity decreases.
Reverse mortgages allow you to use debt to turn your equity into income. You are reversing the deal you used to initially buy your home. Then, you had income and wanted equity. Now, you have equity and want income. There are also no limits on the value of homes qualifying for a HUD reverse mortgage. However, the amount that may be borrowed is capped by the maximum FHA loan limit for each city and county. It varies from $172,632 in rural areas to $312,895 in many major metropolitan areas (and even higher in Alaska, Hawaii & the U.S. Virgin Islands) depending on local housing costs. The size of reverse mortgage loans is determined by the borrower's age, the interest rate, and the home's value. The older a borrower, the larger the percentage of the home's value that can be borrowed. As always, if you need help or advice, just respond to this email.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
US Treasury Dept. launches mortgage rescue plan
First participants in the Treasury Department's program to help homeowners avoid foreclosure include some of the nation's largest banks.By Tami Luhby, CNNMoney.com senior writer
Last Updated: April 16, 2009: 10:15 AM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The Obama administration's loan modification program is finally underway.
The Treasury Department announced Wednesday the first six participants to sign up for President Obama's plan. They include three of the nation's largest banks: JPMorgan Chase, which will get up to $3.6 billion in subsidy and incentive payments; Wells Fargo, $2.9 billion; and Citigroup , $2 billion. The others are GMAC Mortgage, $633 million; Saxon Mortgage Services, $407 million; and Select Portfolio Servicing, $376 million.
Additional loan servicers will be added to the list over time, a Treasury spokesman said.
Several major servicers, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, said they began modifying loans under the government initiative earlier this month. CitiMortgage signed up for the program on Monday and will start processing applications soon.
"We view this modification program as yet another incremental opportunity for thousands of homeowners to preserve and maintain the dream of homeownership," Wells Fargo said in a statement.
Distressed homeowners and housing counselors have been eagerly awaiting the program's launch since Obama first announced it on Feb. 18. However, it took weeks for the government to clarify the terms and for the financial institutions to update their systems and start accepting applications, frustrating many of those in trouble.
Billed as helping up to 9 million borrowers stay in their homes, the two-part plan calls for servicers to reduce monthly payments to no more than 31% of eligible borrowers' pre-tax income or to refinance eligible mortgages even if the homeowner has little or no equity. The government is allocating $75 billion to subsidize part of payment reduction, as well as provide thousands of dollars in incentives for servicers and borrowers to participate.
The Treasury Department said Wednesday it is capping the payments to servicers to allow more companies to participate. It is allocating $50 billion to the program, with Fannie Mae , Freddie Mac and the Department of Housing and Urban Development providing the rest.
The modification plan calls for the servicer to reduce interest rates so that the monthly obligation is no more than 38% of a borrower's pre-tax income, and then the government would kick in money to bring payments down to 31% of income. Servicers can also reduce the loan balance to achieve these affordability levels. The government will share in the cost, up to the amount the servicer would have received if it had reduced the interest rates.
Only loans where the cost of the foreclosure would be higher than the cost of modification would qualify. Also, Treasury will not provide subsidies to reduce rates to levels below 2%.
It was not immediately clear whether the servicers must pay the incentives to homeowners and investors out of their funding share.
In addition to subsidizing the interest rates, servicers will use the Treasury funding to pay for incentives for themselves, homeowners and investors. The program gives servicers $1,000 for each modification and another $1,000 a year for three years if the borrower stays current. It will also give $500 to servicers and $1,500 to mortgage holders if they modify at-risk loans before the borrower falls behind.
Homeowners, meanwhile, will get up to $1,000 a year for five years if they keep up with payments. The funds will be used to reduce their loan principals.
The Treasury Department set the caps based on public data about the mortgages the servicers handle. Though the program mandates that servicers modify all loans that meet the requirements, the department feels the servicers will have sufficient funds to cover all troubled borrowers' applications.
"We're confident we'll have enough money," said Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams.
Separately, major servicers also recently started accepting applications under the refinance portion of the program.
Last Updated: April 16, 2009: 10:15 AM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The Obama administration's loan modification program is finally underway.
The Treasury Department announced Wednesday the first six participants to sign up for President Obama's plan. They include three of the nation's largest banks: JPMorgan Chase, which will get up to $3.6 billion in subsidy and incentive payments; Wells Fargo, $2.9 billion; and Citigroup , $2 billion. The others are GMAC Mortgage, $633 million; Saxon Mortgage Services, $407 million; and Select Portfolio Servicing, $376 million.
Additional loan servicers will be added to the list over time, a Treasury spokesman said.
Several major servicers, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, said they began modifying loans under the government initiative earlier this month. CitiMortgage signed up for the program on Monday and will start processing applications soon.
"We view this modification program as yet another incremental opportunity for thousands of homeowners to preserve and maintain the dream of homeownership," Wells Fargo said in a statement.
Distressed homeowners and housing counselors have been eagerly awaiting the program's launch since Obama first announced it on Feb. 18. However, it took weeks for the government to clarify the terms and for the financial institutions to update their systems and start accepting applications, frustrating many of those in trouble.
Billed as helping up to 9 million borrowers stay in their homes, the two-part plan calls for servicers to reduce monthly payments to no more than 31% of eligible borrowers' pre-tax income or to refinance eligible mortgages even if the homeowner has little or no equity. The government is allocating $75 billion to subsidize part of payment reduction, as well as provide thousands of dollars in incentives for servicers and borrowers to participate.
The Treasury Department said Wednesday it is capping the payments to servicers to allow more companies to participate. It is allocating $50 billion to the program, with Fannie Mae , Freddie Mac and the Department of Housing and Urban Development providing the rest.
The modification plan calls for the servicer to reduce interest rates so that the monthly obligation is no more than 38% of a borrower's pre-tax income, and then the government would kick in money to bring payments down to 31% of income. Servicers can also reduce the loan balance to achieve these affordability levels. The government will share in the cost, up to the amount the servicer would have received if it had reduced the interest rates.
Only loans where the cost of the foreclosure would be higher than the cost of modification would qualify. Also, Treasury will not provide subsidies to reduce rates to levels below 2%.
It was not immediately clear whether the servicers must pay the incentives to homeowners and investors out of their funding share.
In addition to subsidizing the interest rates, servicers will use the Treasury funding to pay for incentives for themselves, homeowners and investors. The program gives servicers $1,000 for each modification and another $1,000 a year for three years if the borrower stays current. It will also give $500 to servicers and $1,500 to mortgage holders if they modify at-risk loans before the borrower falls behind.
Homeowners, meanwhile, will get up to $1,000 a year for five years if they keep up with payments. The funds will be used to reduce their loan principals.
The Treasury Department set the caps based on public data about the mortgages the servicers handle. Though the program mandates that servicers modify all loans that meet the requirements, the department feels the servicers will have sufficient funds to cover all troubled borrowers' applications.
"We're confident we'll have enough money," said Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams.
Separately, major servicers also recently started accepting applications under the refinance portion of the program.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
California Approves a $10,000 Tax Credit for New Home Purchases
By Steve Doyle, President, Brookfield Homes San Diego
Dated: Feb 25, 2009
The Legislature for the state of California passed a revised budget plan last week and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the historic legislation Feb. 20. Included in this new budget is a $10,000 tax credit for the purchasers of a new home.
Did you hear about the California $10,000 tax credit for the purchase of a newly constructed home?
The Legislature for the state of California passed a revised budget plan last week and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the historic legislation Feb. 20. Included in this new budget is a $10,000 tax credit for the purchasers of a newly constructed home in the state of California. There are conditions to receive this tax credit, some of which are still being worked out. Let me tell you what we do know at this time:
1. The tax credit is good for 5 percent of the value of the newly constructed home, up to $10,000. (That would mean any home priced over $200,000 would qualify for the full credit.)
2. The tax credit will be available between March 1, 2009 and March 1, 2010, or when the funding authority runs out. (The Legislature has earmarked $100 million for this credit. That mean at least 10,000 new home sales. We don’t know yet if the tax credit will be based on when the contract for sale is written or when the escrow is closed for the purchase.)
3. The tax credit will be allocated by the Franchise Tax Board and will be available to new homebuyers over a three-year period. (Roughly one third of the tax credit will be available each year, details here are still being worked out.)
4. The new home purchaser must live in the home for at least two years.
5. There are no income limitations for the purchaser.
6. There is no “first time buyer” restriction.
7. There is no repayment requirement (unless the purchaser sells or rents out the home before two years have past from the close of escrow).
This is great news for California homebuyers. And, if the homebuyer also qualifies for the $8,000 Federal Tax Credit (see blog entry from Feb. 18 at www.expectmoreinahome.com/blog), then the total tax credit for buying a newly constructed home would be $18,000. That is $10,000 from the state of California and
$8,000 from the federal government.
Steve Doyle is president of Brookfield Homes San Diego/Riverside Division. The company’s homes are found in master-planned communities in San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties.
Dated: Feb 25, 2009
The Legislature for the state of California passed a revised budget plan last week and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the historic legislation Feb. 20. Included in this new budget is a $10,000 tax credit for the purchasers of a new home.
Did you hear about the California $10,000 tax credit for the purchase of a newly constructed home?
The Legislature for the state of California passed a revised budget plan last week and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the historic legislation Feb. 20. Included in this new budget is a $10,000 tax credit for the purchasers of a newly constructed home in the state of California. There are conditions to receive this tax credit, some of which are still being worked out. Let me tell you what we do know at this time:
1. The tax credit is good for 5 percent of the value of the newly constructed home, up to $10,000. (That would mean any home priced over $200,000 would qualify for the full credit.)
2. The tax credit will be available between March 1, 2009 and March 1, 2010, or when the funding authority runs out. (The Legislature has earmarked $100 million for this credit. That mean at least 10,000 new home sales. We don’t know yet if the tax credit will be based on when the contract for sale is written or when the escrow is closed for the purchase.)
3. The tax credit will be allocated by the Franchise Tax Board and will be available to new homebuyers over a three-year period. (Roughly one third of the tax credit will be available each year, details here are still being worked out.)
4. The new home purchaser must live in the home for at least two years.
5. There are no income limitations for the purchaser.
6. There is no “first time buyer” restriction.
7. There is no repayment requirement (unless the purchaser sells or rents out the home before two years have past from the close of escrow).
This is great news for California homebuyers. And, if the homebuyer also qualifies for the $8,000 Federal Tax Credit (see blog entry from Feb. 18 at www.expectmoreinahome.com/blog), then the total tax credit for buying a newly constructed home would be $18,000. That is $10,000 from the state of California and
$8,000 from the federal government.
Steve Doyle is president of Brookfield Homes San Diego/Riverside Division. The company’s homes are found in master-planned communities in San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Federal Reserve Surprises Financial Markets
Here we go again, with the talking heads on financial news misinterpreting the impact of the Fed's actions on home loan rates.
Here's the scoop. What the Fed just announced is huge – they have committed to buy another $750B in Mortgage Backed Securities, and $300B in Treasuries.
But what does this mean and why do you care?
Their actions provide a demand for Mortgage Backed Securities, which should help keep a ceiling on home loan rates moving much higher in the foreseeable future. That's good news, for homebuyers who are seeing the bargains out there and understanding that now is the time to act. Good news for those who are ready to refinance too.
But an important distinction – this does not mean rates may move significantly lower. Depending on exactly which coupons the Fed purchases when they go shopping for Mortgage Backed Securities, their actions may keep a lid on rates, but not push them very much lower. And based on what they've been buying since the beginning of this year when they started their purchasing program – that is exactly how it has played out.
Present home loan rates are within inches of historic lows. What is keeping you on the sidelines from acting now to refinance and get some dollars back into your own pocket, where they belong – or moving forward to buy the home of your dreams, while it is still on sale?
If you have questions – call me. You know there's no pressure, but let's discuss options and see if there is something we should be looking at to improve your situation.
Here's the scoop. What the Fed just announced is huge – they have committed to buy another $750B in Mortgage Backed Securities, and $300B in Treasuries.
But what does this mean and why do you care?
Their actions provide a demand for Mortgage Backed Securities, which should help keep a ceiling on home loan rates moving much higher in the foreseeable future. That's good news, for homebuyers who are seeing the bargains out there and understanding that now is the time to act. Good news for those who are ready to refinance too.
But an important distinction – this does not mean rates may move significantly lower. Depending on exactly which coupons the Fed purchases when they go shopping for Mortgage Backed Securities, their actions may keep a lid on rates, but not push them very much lower. And based on what they've been buying since the beginning of this year when they started their purchasing program – that is exactly how it has played out.
Present home loan rates are within inches of historic lows. What is keeping you on the sidelines from acting now to refinance and get some dollars back into your own pocket, where they belong – or moving forward to buy the home of your dreams, while it is still on sale?
If you have questions – call me. You know there's no pressure, but let's discuss options and see if there is something we should be looking at to improve your situation.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Among Home Buyers, Keller Williams Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction
Despite Popularity of Online Home Buying and Selling Tools,
Real Estate Agents are Key to Customer Satisfaction
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 23 July 2008 — Keller Williams ranks highest among real estate companies in satisfying home buyers according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2008 Home Buyer StudySM released today.
The inaugural study measures customer satisfaction of home buyers with the largest national real estate firms. Overall satisfaction is determined by examining three factors for the home-buying experience: agent (65%); office (21%); and services (13%).
Among home-buyers, Keller Williams achieves a score of 831 on a 1,000-point scale, and receives highest ratings from customers in all three factors. Following in the rankings are Prudential (820) and Coldwell Banker (816). Prudential performs well in the agent and office factors, while Coldwell Banker performs particularly well in the services factor.
“When buying a home, customers particularly appreciate agent professionalism, responsiveness to calls and e-mails and the agent’s skill in locating and showing properties in the appropriate price range—all areas in which Keller Williams excels,” said Jim Howland, senior director of the real estate and construction practice at J.D. Power and Associates.
The study finds that despite the popularity of home-buying and -selling resources on the Internet, real estate agents are key to customer satisfaction with real estate companies. A large proportion of both home buyers and sellers rely on the Internet to facilitate the buying or selling process, with 68 percent of buyers saying that they used Internet tools to help them in the purchase process and 61 percent of sellers reporting that they used a Web site listing to market their home. In addition, among home sellers, online methods are the most important aspect of marketing. However, the agent factor carries the greatest importance among the factors that comprise overall satisfaction among both home buyers and sellers.
“Although the Internet provides home buyers and sellers with the ability to perform some essential tasks—such as listing a home for sale or researching a neighborhood in which to purchase a home—it still does not replace the importance of a good real estate agent,” said Howland. “Particularly in an uncertain real estate market, professional advice from agents can be especially valuable to buyers and sellers. The knowledge and expertise provided by experienced agents is an important benefit of using a full-service real estate company.”
Real Estate Agents are Key to Customer Satisfaction
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 23 July 2008 — Keller Williams ranks highest among real estate companies in satisfying home buyers according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2008 Home Buyer StudySM released today.
The inaugural study measures customer satisfaction of home buyers with the largest national real estate firms. Overall satisfaction is determined by examining three factors for the home-buying experience: agent (65%); office (21%); and services (13%).
Among home-buyers, Keller Williams achieves a score of 831 on a 1,000-point scale, and receives highest ratings from customers in all three factors. Following in the rankings are Prudential (820) and Coldwell Banker (816). Prudential performs well in the agent and office factors, while Coldwell Banker performs particularly well in the services factor.
“When buying a home, customers particularly appreciate agent professionalism, responsiveness to calls and e-mails and the agent’s skill in locating and showing properties in the appropriate price range—all areas in which Keller Williams excels,” said Jim Howland, senior director of the real estate and construction practice at J.D. Power and Associates.
The study finds that despite the popularity of home-buying and -selling resources on the Internet, real estate agents are key to customer satisfaction with real estate companies. A large proportion of both home buyers and sellers rely on the Internet to facilitate the buying or selling process, with 68 percent of buyers saying that they used Internet tools to help them in the purchase process and 61 percent of sellers reporting that they used a Web site listing to market their home. In addition, among home sellers, online methods are the most important aspect of marketing. However, the agent factor carries the greatest importance among the factors that comprise overall satisfaction among both home buyers and sellers.
“Although the Internet provides home buyers and sellers with the ability to perform some essential tasks—such as listing a home for sale or researching a neighborhood in which to purchase a home—it still does not replace the importance of a good real estate agent,” said Howland. “Particularly in an uncertain real estate market, professional advice from agents can be especially valuable to buyers and sellers. The knowledge and expertise provided by experienced agents is an important benefit of using a full-service real estate company.”
Friday, March 06, 2009
Knights to the Rescue
The world is in the throes of a global recession. But as usual, the very poorest are being hurt the most. I want to close by quickly asking you to consider helping one of my favorite causes, emergency relief for the poorest of the poor. My friends at Knightsbridge (Ed Artis, et al.) currently have three hundred thousand dollars of medical equipment and supplies (relief) sitting in two separate locations here in the United States. It's worthless while stored here but "gold" in the developing world. We need $37,000 to ship these items to the Philippines, where we can stage them for delivery to clinics in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and the Philippines. This medical relief, when delivered, will save the lives of thousands of people affected by disease and poverty.
Knightsbridge works with many people around the world who volunteer their time to help us hand-deliver this relief, as you can see in Adrian Belic's multi-award-winning documentary film Beyond The Call (http://www.beyondthecallthemovie.com/) and (http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/beyondthecall/).
For every additional $18,500 that is raised, we can obtain and ship 40 cargo containers of valuable medical supplies and equipment, worth between $150,000 and $500,000, to the staging area in the Philippines.
We have almost unlimited resources here in America for the collection and staging of medical equipment and supplies to be shipped overseas. We will run out of shipping dollars long before we ever run out of medical relief goods in need of shipping.
Each dollar that you donate will ship many times that much in lifesaving medical relief. Your donations can be sent to Knightsbridge in two ways:
* Online donations are immediate and can be sent to us via the PayPal / DONATION icon located on our website at www.kbi.org
* Checks should be made out to our NEW partner NGO, A Prescription for Peace, in the US (http://www.APrescriptionForPeace.org).
These checks will be processed, appropriate receipts issued, and the proceeds deposited to our credit.
A Prescription For Peace (a California 501[c]3)
P.O. Box 67696
Century City, CA 90067
Knightsbridge works with many people around the world who volunteer their time to help us hand-deliver this relief, as you can see in Adrian Belic's multi-award-winning documentary film Beyond The Call (http://www.beyondthecallthemovie.com/) and (http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/beyondthecall/).
For every additional $18,500 that is raised, we can obtain and ship 40 cargo containers of valuable medical supplies and equipment, worth between $150,000 and $500,000, to the staging area in the Philippines.
We have almost unlimited resources here in America for the collection and staging of medical equipment and supplies to be shipped overseas. We will run out of shipping dollars long before we ever run out of medical relief goods in need of shipping.
Each dollar that you donate will ship many times that much in lifesaving medical relief. Your donations can be sent to Knightsbridge in two ways:
* Online donations are immediate and can be sent to us via the PayPal / DONATION icon located on our website at www.kbi.org
* Checks should be made out to our NEW partner NGO, A Prescription for Peace, in the US (http://www.APrescriptionForPeace.org).
These checks will be processed, appropriate receipts issued, and the proceeds deposited to our credit.
A Prescription For Peace (a California 501[c]3)
P.O. Box 67696
Century City, CA 90067
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Housing Plan Promises Mortgage Relief
With Detailed Program Requirements, Servicers Can Now Begin
‘Making Home Affordable’ Loan Modifications
US Treasury Department Press Release dated 3/4/09
Washington, DC – The Obama Administration today announced new U.S. Department of the Treasury guidelines to enable servicers to begin modifications of eligible mortgages under the Administration's Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan – announced by President Barack Obama just two weeks ago. The release of detailed requirements for the “Making Home Affordable” program facilitates implementation of the critical provisions that will help bring relief to responsible homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments, while preventing neighborhoods and communities from suffering the negative spillover effects of foreclosure such as lower housing prices, increased crime and higher taxes.
“Two weeks ago, the President laid out a clear path forward to helping up to nine million families restructure or refinance their mortgages to a payment that is affordable now and into the future. Today, we are providing servicers with the details they need to begin helping eligible borrowers,” said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. “It is imperative that we continue to move with speed to help make housing more affordable and help arrest the damaging spiral in our housing markets, just as we work to stabilize our financial system, create jobs and help businesses thrive. Economic recovery requires action on all three fronts.”
"Only two weeks after the President unveiled his plan to help promote homeowner affordability, we are moving forward today with these guidelines to implement that plan," HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said. "This step forward represents a tremendous coordinated effort between major government and regulatory agencies to help bring relief to America's housing market and homeowners. This plan will help make home ownership more affordable for nine million American families and in doing so, help to stop the damaging impact that declining home prices have on all Americans."
The guidelines will implement financial incentives for mortgage lenders to modify existing first mortgages and set standard industry practice for modifications.
Treasury announced today that the Making Home Affordable program will also include additional incentives for efforts made to extinguish second liens on loans modified under this program. Extinguishing second liens will make mortgages more affordable, improve loan performance, and help prevent foreclosures.
In conjunction with the release of the new guidelines, Treasury, HUD and other members of a broad interagency task force have prepared consumer friendly Q&A and eligibility assessment tools for borrowers available at FinancialStability.gov. To ensure the program can be implemented as quickly as possible, the agencies also have conducted extensive outreach with housing counselors and mortgage servicers, including the development of call center phone scripts, a training plan and detailed guides, to prepare them for incoming inquiries from borrowers in the wake of the guidelines release.
An expanded online resource will soon be available for borrowers, and agency representatives will fan out across the country in the coming weeks to conduct outreach at homeownership events in communities hardest hit by the housing crisis.
Modification Program Guidelines
Summary of Guidelines
Fact Sheet
Thanks to Colleen Craig of Countryridge Financial (661-310-8536) for passing this on.
[The devil is in the details...
SCV Home Team]
With Detailed Program Requirements, Servicers Can Now Begin
‘Making Home Affordable’ Loan Modifications
US Treasury Department Press Release dated 3/4/09
Washington, DC – The Obama Administration today announced new U.S. Department of the Treasury guidelines to enable servicers to begin modifications of eligible mortgages under the Administration's Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan – announced by President Barack Obama just two weeks ago. The release of detailed requirements for the “Making Home Affordable” program facilitates implementation of the critical provisions that will help bring relief to responsible homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments, while preventing neighborhoods and communities from suffering the negative spillover effects of foreclosure such as lower housing prices, increased crime and higher taxes.
“Two weeks ago, the President laid out a clear path forward to helping up to nine million families restructure or refinance their mortgages to a payment that is affordable now and into the future. Today, we are providing servicers with the details they need to begin helping eligible borrowers,” said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. “It is imperative that we continue to move with speed to help make housing more affordable and help arrest the damaging spiral in our housing markets, just as we work to stabilize our financial system, create jobs and help businesses thrive. Economic recovery requires action on all three fronts.”
"Only two weeks after the President unveiled his plan to help promote homeowner affordability, we are moving forward today with these guidelines to implement that plan," HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said. "This step forward represents a tremendous coordinated effort between major government and regulatory agencies to help bring relief to America's housing market and homeowners. This plan will help make home ownership more affordable for nine million American families and in doing so, help to stop the damaging impact that declining home prices have on all Americans."
The guidelines will implement financial incentives for mortgage lenders to modify existing first mortgages and set standard industry practice for modifications.
Treasury announced today that the Making Home Affordable program will also include additional incentives for efforts made to extinguish second liens on loans modified under this program. Extinguishing second liens will make mortgages more affordable, improve loan performance, and help prevent foreclosures.
In conjunction with the release of the new guidelines, Treasury, HUD and other members of a broad interagency task force have prepared consumer friendly Q&A and eligibility assessment tools for borrowers available at FinancialStability.gov. To ensure the program can be implemented as quickly as possible, the agencies also have conducted extensive outreach with housing counselors and mortgage servicers, including the development of call center phone scripts, a training plan and detailed guides, to prepare them for incoming inquiries from borrowers in the wake of the guidelines release.
An expanded online resource will soon be available for borrowers, and agency representatives will fan out across the country in the coming weeks to conduct outreach at homeownership events in communities hardest hit by the housing crisis.
Modification Program Guidelines
Summary of Guidelines
Fact Sheet
Thanks to Colleen Craig of Countryridge Financial (661-310-8536) for passing this on.
[The devil is in the details...
SCV Home Team]
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Much ado about compensation
Letters From the Home Front
By Kris Berg, Wednesday, February 25, 2009. Inman News
It's the debate that "just won't go away," I read.
"Hmm," I think. What could that be? Is it the debate about how we got to a place where millions of people have lost their homes and many more will likely fall victim to foreclosure in the coming year?
Maybe it is the conversation about how lenders are pricing their foreclosure inventory using the dartboard and dreidel method of valuation, dragging an entire market into the abyss in the process. (In the case of a tie, the Ouija board shall dictate.)
Maybe it's the discussion on industry standards and ethics -- the one that challenges the theory that a home purchase or sale can easily be orchestrated while working the night shift at Jim's Pizza Emporium.
No, the real debate involves my tax return. I simply make too much.
If we are to be fair, this is not a new argument. I have been bilking the consumer for years -- in my case, 12 years. And what a fun and frolicking 12 years it has been.
Through up and down markets, through thick and thin, I have enjoyed the "freedom" that is a real estate career. I have been able to take calls and make calls from my daughters' birthday parties and field trips.
I was able to take time off to see my oldest receive her high school diploma and then spend the after-party crouched behind a parked car listening to a client counsel me. "I know you are busy with your daughter's school thingy, but I have left three messages in the past two quarks, and I need to know if you received the inspection report."
During the boom years, I made too much because homes sold quickly, forgetting for a moment that representing a buyer required us to set up encampments in our idling cars so we could beat the sign installer to the door with the offer, a process we would repeat 11 times before hitting pay dirt.
During the transition years, I made too much because, even though selling a home involved more heavy lifting, sellers were starting to see their net sheets shrinking and felt we should all toss a few coins in the jar. Today, I make too much because, well, it's just fun to say so I suppose.
It's the debate that won't go away.
Maybe it's just me, but all of this outrage where my paycheck is concerned is starting to feel a little manufactured. I am here to tell you there is no need. I have enough outrage to go around.
Suddenly, we are concerned that my compensation might not benefit the consumer. Last time I checked, the consumer had an unlimited number of choices regarding agents, services and fee structures.
You want a flat fee? Those models exist. If you want to pay $500 or $5,000, there is someone who will gladly take the job. If you want to employ Aunt Margaret to represent you in exchange for a testimonial letter and a Bundt cake at closing, she just might bite.
You can pay 1 percent or 20 percent, or you can pay as you go. You can even do it yourself. The world is full of choices. What I charge is what I am worth, and what you charge is what you think you are worth. The debate is lost on me.
If, as an agent, you think you are overpaid, then you are. Change your model and charge less. And if we are running out of controversy, maybe we should move on to more pressing issues like customer service, industry standards, and ethics -- and something about the other agent who won't return my phone calls when I have a offer to present because I am not a buyer waiving a checkbook above my head.
For me, I charge what I am worth, but I make far less than I am worth. When a client was recently laid off one week before closing, I was laid off, except he had severance pay and now qualifies for unemployment benefits. I enjoy neither. I suspect many of you, like me, have spent six months with a buyer who decides not to buy.
Many of us have spent our weekends running the Chamber of Commerce shuttle tours for people expecting to relocate and then decide not to accept the job offer or don't get the job offer. We routinely find that we have spent weeks or months promoting a listing and generating an offer only to learn that the seller "needs" to get a little more, even though the number on the purchase agreement looks suspiciously like the one we suggested should be reasonably expected when we initially met to get things rolling.
Deaths, births, divorces, marriages, employment, unemployment, and change of heart: Stuff happens. And when it does, we haven't worked for free; we have worked at a loss.
Yesterday, I called in sick. Well, that's not entirely true. I delivered the message in person, on all fours and looking like I had been whopped repeatedly with an ugly stick, as I met with two clients to get contracts signed and another to attend a final walk-through.
You see, I am paid only for delivering the goods and, more importantly, my clients aren't buying or selling a pair of shoes. We are talking about a financially enormous, highly stressful, life-changing event. There are no sick days.
I take vacations. They involve enough electronics and power cords to stock a small trade show. Did you know that your cell phone works on the beaches of St. John? I do.
It was a $1,000 lesson learned while trying to negotiate a purchase agreement on the behalf of a client who was quite irritated that a trip I had booked six months prior happened to coincide with a buyer's decision to make an offer on their home. Of course we do get "paid vacations." This is what we call the vacations we take while we are paying another agent to cover our business.
I also get paid health insurance. It's paid by me, in gold bullion, and I have had three carriers in as many years because it seems that a member organization numbering in the millions cannot find an insurer willing to make a long-term commitment to my well-being.
As an independent contractor, I pay Social Security and then I get to pay it again -- the employer's share. I pay board dues and lockbox and license fees. I pay for the business trappings that result in my garage frequently being confused with a Staples distribution center, while my home office looks like the clearance aisle at Best Buy.
I pay for my own pension plan. The latter is whatever I can sock away depending on the winds. This year, it is sorely underfunded, which is probably a good thing considering what the stock market has done.
My job is flexible, though. It is so flexible that I can work all seven days. Escrow companies, photographers, print shops and the county recorder are open weekdays.
Our clients are open on weekends -- and in the evenings after 7 p.m., because that is when the baby sleeps. During my free time, I blow off steam with a legal brief, a good article on housing trends, or a class on new disclosure laws.
What I am selling is a service, but it is the product that drives my income, and I do not control its production. I live on a cash-flow rollercoaster that involves very high "highs" and excruciatingly low "lows."
For all of my exceptional efforts, selfless heroics and best intentions, one terrorist event or economic recession can change my pay scale, as can the occasional change of heart or mind, and I rarely get my 30 days' notice.
"But representing the sale of a condo is no more or less difficult than representing the sale of Belarus!" you say. Sometimes that's true and sometimes not.
Yet, percentage-based pay systems are not foreign to us. Try charging the same flat sales tax on a Hummer that you do on a pair of Rollerblade skates and see what a big round of applause you get.
And there are losses. Because we at least strive to be for-profit businesses, the losses have to be considered in the fees we charge. Not fair? When you buy that pair of shoes you are paying in part for the guy who shoplifted his, much like the price of the steak at the store reflects all of the steaks that were not purchased and had to be tossed out.
Consumers should pay up-front, then. Only they won't. It is much more appealing to play with house money, which brings us to the subject of risk. I incur it all. There is risk every time I pay thousands to market a home only to find that the seller has changed his mind and every time I write the fifth offer for a buyer client to learn they that aren't having fun anymore or that her brother just got his license. And there is risk every time I walk into the office that a frivolous lawsuit will be waiting for me.
If I sound angry about the work, I am not, because I have defined my own scope. What I am angry about is that my income is even up for debate. This business of bilking the customer, while fun and sometimes extremely rewarding, is costly. I have paid dearly with time, money and sacrifices in my personal life. So I charge what I am worth, as should you.
Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about the consumer where our fees are concerned. He has plenty of choices, and I respect him enough to know he will weigh his options and make the decision that is in his best interests given his particular circumstances. Respecting the customer -- now that might be a topic worth debating.
Kris Berg is broker-owner of San Diego Castles Realty. She also writes a consumer-focused real estate blog, The San Diego Home Blog
By Kris Berg, Wednesday, February 25, 2009. Inman News
It's the debate that "just won't go away," I read.
"Hmm," I think. What could that be? Is it the debate about how we got to a place where millions of people have lost their homes and many more will likely fall victim to foreclosure in the coming year?
Maybe it is the conversation about how lenders are pricing their foreclosure inventory using the dartboard and dreidel method of valuation, dragging an entire market into the abyss in the process. (In the case of a tie, the Ouija board shall dictate.)
Maybe it's the discussion on industry standards and ethics -- the one that challenges the theory that a home purchase or sale can easily be orchestrated while working the night shift at Jim's Pizza Emporium.
No, the real debate involves my tax return. I simply make too much.
If we are to be fair, this is not a new argument. I have been bilking the consumer for years -- in my case, 12 years. And what a fun and frolicking 12 years it has been.
Through up and down markets, through thick and thin, I have enjoyed the "freedom" that is a real estate career. I have been able to take calls and make calls from my daughters' birthday parties and field trips.
I was able to take time off to see my oldest receive her high school diploma and then spend the after-party crouched behind a parked car listening to a client counsel me. "I know you are busy with your daughter's school thingy, but I have left three messages in the past two quarks, and I need to know if you received the inspection report."
During the boom years, I made too much because homes sold quickly, forgetting for a moment that representing a buyer required us to set up encampments in our idling cars so we could beat the sign installer to the door with the offer, a process we would repeat 11 times before hitting pay dirt.
During the transition years, I made too much because, even though selling a home involved more heavy lifting, sellers were starting to see their net sheets shrinking and felt we should all toss a few coins in the jar. Today, I make too much because, well, it's just fun to say so I suppose.
It's the debate that won't go away.
Maybe it's just me, but all of this outrage where my paycheck is concerned is starting to feel a little manufactured. I am here to tell you there is no need. I have enough outrage to go around.
Suddenly, we are concerned that my compensation might not benefit the consumer. Last time I checked, the consumer had an unlimited number of choices regarding agents, services and fee structures.
You want a flat fee? Those models exist. If you want to pay $500 or $5,000, there is someone who will gladly take the job. If you want to employ Aunt Margaret to represent you in exchange for a testimonial letter and a Bundt cake at closing, she just might bite.
You can pay 1 percent or 20 percent, or you can pay as you go. You can even do it yourself. The world is full of choices. What I charge is what I am worth, and what you charge is what you think you are worth. The debate is lost on me.
If, as an agent, you think you are overpaid, then you are. Change your model and charge less. And if we are running out of controversy, maybe we should move on to more pressing issues like customer service, industry standards, and ethics -- and something about the other agent who won't return my phone calls when I have a offer to present because I am not a buyer waiving a checkbook above my head.
For me, I charge what I am worth, but I make far less than I am worth. When a client was recently laid off one week before closing, I was laid off, except he had severance pay and now qualifies for unemployment benefits. I enjoy neither. I suspect many of you, like me, have spent six months with a buyer who decides not to buy.
Many of us have spent our weekends running the Chamber of Commerce shuttle tours for people expecting to relocate and then decide not to accept the job offer or don't get the job offer. We routinely find that we have spent weeks or months promoting a listing and generating an offer only to learn that the seller "needs" to get a little more, even though the number on the purchase agreement looks suspiciously like the one we suggested should be reasonably expected when we initially met to get things rolling.
Deaths, births, divorces, marriages, employment, unemployment, and change of heart: Stuff happens. And when it does, we haven't worked for free; we have worked at a loss.
Yesterday, I called in sick. Well, that's not entirely true. I delivered the message in person, on all fours and looking like I had been whopped repeatedly with an ugly stick, as I met with two clients to get contracts signed and another to attend a final walk-through.
You see, I am paid only for delivering the goods and, more importantly, my clients aren't buying or selling a pair of shoes. We are talking about a financially enormous, highly stressful, life-changing event. There are no sick days.
I take vacations. They involve enough electronics and power cords to stock a small trade show. Did you know that your cell phone works on the beaches of St. John? I do.
It was a $1,000 lesson learned while trying to negotiate a purchase agreement on the behalf of a client who was quite irritated that a trip I had booked six months prior happened to coincide with a buyer's decision to make an offer on their home. Of course we do get "paid vacations." This is what we call the vacations we take while we are paying another agent to cover our business.
I also get paid health insurance. It's paid by me, in gold bullion, and I have had three carriers in as many years because it seems that a member organization numbering in the millions cannot find an insurer willing to make a long-term commitment to my well-being.
As an independent contractor, I pay Social Security and then I get to pay it again -- the employer's share. I pay board dues and lockbox and license fees. I pay for the business trappings that result in my garage frequently being confused with a Staples distribution center, while my home office looks like the clearance aisle at Best Buy.
I pay for my own pension plan. The latter is whatever I can sock away depending on the winds. This year, it is sorely underfunded, which is probably a good thing considering what the stock market has done.
My job is flexible, though. It is so flexible that I can work all seven days. Escrow companies, photographers, print shops and the county recorder are open weekdays.
Our clients are open on weekends -- and in the evenings after 7 p.m., because that is when the baby sleeps. During my free time, I blow off steam with a legal brief, a good article on housing trends, or a class on new disclosure laws.
What I am selling is a service, but it is the product that drives my income, and I do not control its production. I live on a cash-flow rollercoaster that involves very high "highs" and excruciatingly low "lows."
For all of my exceptional efforts, selfless heroics and best intentions, one terrorist event or economic recession can change my pay scale, as can the occasional change of heart or mind, and I rarely get my 30 days' notice.
"But representing the sale of a condo is no more or less difficult than representing the sale of Belarus!" you say. Sometimes that's true and sometimes not.
Yet, percentage-based pay systems are not foreign to us. Try charging the same flat sales tax on a Hummer that you do on a pair of Rollerblade skates and see what a big round of applause you get.
And there are losses. Because we at least strive to be for-profit businesses, the losses have to be considered in the fees we charge. Not fair? When you buy that pair of shoes you are paying in part for the guy who shoplifted his, much like the price of the steak at the store reflects all of the steaks that were not purchased and had to be tossed out.
Consumers should pay up-front, then. Only they won't. It is much more appealing to play with house money, which brings us to the subject of risk. I incur it all. There is risk every time I pay thousands to market a home only to find that the seller has changed his mind and every time I write the fifth offer for a buyer client to learn they that aren't having fun anymore or that her brother just got his license. And there is risk every time I walk into the office that a frivolous lawsuit will be waiting for me.
If I sound angry about the work, I am not, because I have defined my own scope. What I am angry about is that my income is even up for debate. This business of bilking the customer, while fun and sometimes extremely rewarding, is costly. I have paid dearly with time, money and sacrifices in my personal life. So I charge what I am worth, as should you.
Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about the consumer where our fees are concerned. He has plenty of choices, and I respect him enough to know he will weigh his options and make the decision that is in his best interests given his particular circumstances. Respecting the customer -- now that might be a topic worth debating.
Kris Berg is broker-owner of San Diego Castles Realty. She also writes a consumer-focused real estate blog, The San Diego Home Blog
Understanding Your Credit
And Making The Most Of It. (Part 1)
Where do we begin? For most consumers, the world of credit is confusing and at times, seems almost without common sense. Credit plays an important role in your life. It affects the purchases you make and much more. Here are the basics, simply explained. Paying your bills on time is the single most important contributor to having good credit. No matter what the minimum payment is, it is critical that you always make all payments on time. Whether the minimum payment is $10 or $1,000, paying it late will negatively affect your credit. What does "late" really mean? Here's an example: Let's assume your latest monthly statement says a payment is due on the 1st of the month. There is almost always a grace period, which can be around 10 days. If you make the payment after the grace period, your credit provider will likely charge you a late fee. Does this hurt your overall credit or "credit score"? No. Even though they charged you a late fee, as long as you get your payment and late fee to the creditor within 30 days of the due date, which began on the 1st of the month, your credit will not get "dinged". In other words, no negatives. Creditors regularly supply your credit history to outside credit reporting agencies, also known as credit bureaus.
There are 3 main credit reporting agencies/credit bureaus, which are Experian (formerly TRW), Equifax and TransUnion. They are companies that collect (and sell) information about how people handle their credit. Their credit reports list how individuals manage their debts, make payments, how much untapped credit they have available and whether they have applied for any loans or other financing. The reports are made available to authorized individuals and creditors. Sometimes unauthorized individuals gain access to your information. We'll save that for a later date.
What is a credit score? The most well known type of credit score is the Fair Isaac or FICO score. Each of the 3 main agencies determine their own score and can provide it within their credit report. It is a number ranging from 300 to 900 which reflects the credit worthiness of the borrower. A credit score is primarily determined by the timeliness of past loan payments and balances owed in relation to the maximum credit limits available. Huh? What was that second part again? Let's say you have a credit card with a maximum credit limit of $4000. Owing less than 50% of that limit is a good thing. Owing any more will negatively affect your credit score. So, in this case, it is better to spread your debt around various other credit cards you have, rather than to have that one big balance. Keeping your credit cards with less than 50% of the limit is always a good idea, especially if you are planning to obtain more credit in the near future.
Most mortgage lenders will want to see all 3 reports and all 3 scores. If a single person is applying for a mortgage, lenders will typically use the middle number of the 3 scores. So, if your scores are 650, 698 and 735, they will grant you credit based on 698. With a married couple, they use the middle score of the greater income earner. The national credit score average is 678.
As always, if you need help or advice, just email Adam Ford of Mortgage Advisors Group at AdamFord@skylinefinancialcorp.com. More to come later!
[Adam Ford sent me this article for inclusion in The Real Blog]
Where do we begin? For most consumers, the world of credit is confusing and at times, seems almost without common sense. Credit plays an important role in your life. It affects the purchases you make and much more. Here are the basics, simply explained. Paying your bills on time is the single most important contributor to having good credit. No matter what the minimum payment is, it is critical that you always make all payments on time. Whether the minimum payment is $10 or $1,000, paying it late will negatively affect your credit. What does "late" really mean? Here's an example: Let's assume your latest monthly statement says a payment is due on the 1st of the month. There is almost always a grace period, which can be around 10 days. If you make the payment after the grace period, your credit provider will likely charge you a late fee. Does this hurt your overall credit or "credit score"? No. Even though they charged you a late fee, as long as you get your payment and late fee to the creditor within 30 days of the due date, which began on the 1st of the month, your credit will not get "dinged". In other words, no negatives. Creditors regularly supply your credit history to outside credit reporting agencies, also known as credit bureaus.
There are 3 main credit reporting agencies/credit bureaus, which are Experian (formerly TRW), Equifax and TransUnion. They are companies that collect (and sell) information about how people handle their credit. Their credit reports list how individuals manage their debts, make payments, how much untapped credit they have available and whether they have applied for any loans or other financing. The reports are made available to authorized individuals and creditors. Sometimes unauthorized individuals gain access to your information. We'll save that for a later date.
What is a credit score? The most well known type of credit score is the Fair Isaac or FICO score. Each of the 3 main agencies determine their own score and can provide it within their credit report. It is a number ranging from 300 to 900 which reflects the credit worthiness of the borrower. A credit score is primarily determined by the timeliness of past loan payments and balances owed in relation to the maximum credit limits available. Huh? What was that second part again? Let's say you have a credit card with a maximum credit limit of $4000. Owing less than 50% of that limit is a good thing. Owing any more will negatively affect your credit score. So, in this case, it is better to spread your debt around various other credit cards you have, rather than to have that one big balance. Keeping your credit cards with less than 50% of the limit is always a good idea, especially if you are planning to obtain more credit in the near future.
Most mortgage lenders will want to see all 3 reports and all 3 scores. If a single person is applying for a mortgage, lenders will typically use the middle number of the 3 scores. So, if your scores are 650, 698 and 735, they will grant you credit based on 698. With a married couple, they use the middle score of the greater income earner. The national credit score average is 678.
As always, if you need help or advice, just email Adam Ford of Mortgage Advisors Group at AdamFord@skylinefinancialcorp.com. More to come later!
[Adam Ford sent me this article for inclusion in The Real Blog]
Saturday, February 21, 2009
NAR Proud of New Housing Bill
National Association of Realtors President Charles McMillan sent this to the Realtors:
For nearly four months, NAR has been working to deliver to you and to our nation a comprehensive plan to stabilize the housing market.
This week, we saw countless hours of hard work pay off – in a MAJOR way – when the federal government implemented NAR's recommendations to stimulate housing with the signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
This bold and unprecedented move to help housing did not happen by chance. Just a few months ago, the auto industry had Congress' ear. Yet, thanks to countless meetings, letters, phone calls, and public pressure that we – the REALTORS® of America – placed on lawmakers in Washington, D.C., housing emerged as the top priority in the new Administration and in Congress. While some of the items in the Act are controversial and are currently being debated, most of our top priorities were addressed.
Thanks to all of our hard work, America’s homebuyers and homeowners will soon have:
Lower interest rates for home mortgages;
A greater ability to get financing through FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in high-cost areas;
A true tax credit incentive to buy a home NOW; and
Foreclosure mitigation and short-sale standards.
As a direct result of NAR's advocacy, we hope REALTORS® will see an increase in home sales this year. NAR also continues to make significant progress on our efforts to unclog the pipeline for foreclosures and to address administrative problems with short sales.
Such significant movement on these critical issues is rare. For more information and details on these new laws and programs, visit the Unlock America's Economy Page on Realtor.org:
For nearly four months, NAR has been working to deliver to you and to our nation a comprehensive plan to stabilize the housing market.
This week, we saw countless hours of hard work pay off – in a MAJOR way – when the federal government implemented NAR's recommendations to stimulate housing with the signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
This bold and unprecedented move to help housing did not happen by chance. Just a few months ago, the auto industry had Congress' ear. Yet, thanks to countless meetings, letters, phone calls, and public pressure that we – the REALTORS® of America – placed on lawmakers in Washington, D.C., housing emerged as the top priority in the new Administration and in Congress. While some of the items in the Act are controversial and are currently being debated, most of our top priorities were addressed.
Thanks to all of our hard work, America’s homebuyers and homeowners will soon have:
Lower interest rates for home mortgages;
A greater ability to get financing through FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in high-cost areas;
A true tax credit incentive to buy a home NOW; and
Foreclosure mitigation and short-sale standards.
As a direct result of NAR's advocacy, we hope REALTORS® will see an increase in home sales this year. NAR also continues to make significant progress on our efforts to unclog the pipeline for foreclosures and to address administrative problems with short sales.
Such significant movement on these critical issues is rare. For more information and details on these new laws and programs, visit the Unlock America's Economy Page on Realtor.org:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Home Foreclosure and Debt Cancellation Info from the IRS
Update Dec. 11, 2008 — The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 generally allows taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence. Debt reduced through mortgage restructuring, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a foreclosure, qualify for this relief.
This provision applies to debt forgiven in calendar years 2007 through 2012. Up to $2 million of forgiven debt is eligible for this exclusion ($1 million if married filing separately). The exclusion doesn’t apply if the discharge is due to services performed for the lender or any other reason not directly related to a decline in the home’s value or the taxpayer’s financial condition.
The amount excluded reduces the taxpayer’s cost basis in the home. More details. Further information, including detailed examples, can also be found in Publication 4681, Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments.
Mortgage Workouts, Now Tax-Free for Many Homeowners; Claim Relief on Newly-Revised IRS Form
Updated with FAQs at bottom — Feb. 28, 2008
Updated with new link — Dec. 11, 2008
IR-2008-17, Feb. 12, 2008
WASHINGTON — Homeowners whose mortgage debt was partly or entirely forgiven during 2007 may be able to claim special tax relief by filling out newly-revised Form 982 and attaching it to their 2007 federal income tax return, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Normally, debt forgiveness results in taxable income. But under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007, enacted Dec. 20, taxpayers may exclude debt forgiven on their principal residence if the balance of their loan was less than $2 million. The limit is $1 million for a married person filing a separate return. Details are on Form 982 and its instructions, available now on this Web site.
“The new law contains important provisions for struggling homeowners,” said Acting IRS Commissioner Linda Stiff. “We urge people with mortgage problems to take full advantage of the valuable tax relief available.”
The late-December enactment means that reporting procedures for this law change were not incorporated into tax-preparation software or IRS forms. For that reason, people using tax software should check with their provider for updates that include the revised Form 982. Similarly, the IRS is now updating its systems and expects to begin accepting electronically-filed returns that include Form 982 by March 3. The paper Form 982 is now being accepted, but the IRS reminds affected taxpayers to consider filing electronically, which greatly reduces errors and speeds refunds.
The new law applies to debt forgiven in 2007, 2008 or 2009. Debt reduced through mortgage restructuring, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a foreclosure, may qualify for this relief. In most cases, eligible homeowners only need to fill out a few lines on Form 982 (specifically, lines 1e, 2 and 10b).
The debt must have been used to buy, build or substantially improve the taxpayer's principal residence and must have been secured by that residence. Debt used to refinance qualifying debt is also eligible for the exclusion, but only up to the amount of the old mortgage principal, just before the refinancing.
Debt forgiven on second homes, rental property, business property, credit cards or car loans does not qualify for the new tax-relief provision. In some cases, however, other kinds of tax relief, based on insolvency, for example, may be available. See Form 982 for details.
Borrowers whose debt is reduced or eliminated receive a year-end statement (Form 1099-C) from their lender. For debt cancelled in 2007, the lender was required to provide this form to the borrower by Jan. 31, 2008. By law, this form must show the amount of debt forgiven and the fair market value of any property given up through foreclosure.
The IRS urges borrowers to check the Form 1099-C carefully. Notify the lender immediately if any of the information shown is incorrect. Borrowers should pay particular attention to the amount of debt forgiven (Box 2) and the value listed for their home ( Box 7).
Note: Legislation enacted in October 2008 extended this relief through 2012. Thus this relief now applies to debt forgiven in calendar years 2007 through 2012.
Related Items:
Frequently asked questions on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness
Publication 4681, Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments
MORE AT http://www.irs.gov/irs/article/0,,id=179073,00.html
This provision applies to debt forgiven in calendar years 2007 through 2012. Up to $2 million of forgiven debt is eligible for this exclusion ($1 million if married filing separately). The exclusion doesn’t apply if the discharge is due to services performed for the lender or any other reason not directly related to a decline in the home’s value or the taxpayer’s financial condition.
The amount excluded reduces the taxpayer’s cost basis in the home. More details. Further information, including detailed examples, can also be found in Publication 4681, Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments.
Mortgage Workouts, Now Tax-Free for Many Homeowners; Claim Relief on Newly-Revised IRS Form
Updated with FAQs at bottom — Feb. 28, 2008
Updated with new link — Dec. 11, 2008
IR-2008-17, Feb. 12, 2008
WASHINGTON — Homeowners whose mortgage debt was partly or entirely forgiven during 2007 may be able to claim special tax relief by filling out newly-revised Form 982 and attaching it to their 2007 federal income tax return, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Normally, debt forgiveness results in taxable income. But under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007, enacted Dec. 20, taxpayers may exclude debt forgiven on their principal residence if the balance of their loan was less than $2 million. The limit is $1 million for a married person filing a separate return. Details are on Form 982 and its instructions, available now on this Web site.
“The new law contains important provisions for struggling homeowners,” said Acting IRS Commissioner Linda Stiff. “We urge people with mortgage problems to take full advantage of the valuable tax relief available.”
The late-December enactment means that reporting procedures for this law change were not incorporated into tax-preparation software or IRS forms. For that reason, people using tax software should check with their provider for updates that include the revised Form 982. Similarly, the IRS is now updating its systems and expects to begin accepting electronically-filed returns that include Form 982 by March 3. The paper Form 982 is now being accepted, but the IRS reminds affected taxpayers to consider filing electronically, which greatly reduces errors and speeds refunds.
The new law applies to debt forgiven in 2007, 2008 or 2009. Debt reduced through mortgage restructuring, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a foreclosure, may qualify for this relief. In most cases, eligible homeowners only need to fill out a few lines on Form 982 (specifically, lines 1e, 2 and 10b).
The debt must have been used to buy, build or substantially improve the taxpayer's principal residence and must have been secured by that residence. Debt used to refinance qualifying debt is also eligible for the exclusion, but only up to the amount of the old mortgage principal, just before the refinancing.
Debt forgiven on second homes, rental property, business property, credit cards or car loans does not qualify for the new tax-relief provision. In some cases, however, other kinds of tax relief, based on insolvency, for example, may be available. See Form 982 for details.
Borrowers whose debt is reduced or eliminated receive a year-end statement (Form 1099-C) from their lender. For debt cancelled in 2007, the lender was required to provide this form to the borrower by Jan. 31, 2008. By law, this form must show the amount of debt forgiven and the fair market value of any property given up through foreclosure.
The IRS urges borrowers to check the Form 1099-C carefully. Notify the lender immediately if any of the information shown is incorrect. Borrowers should pay particular attention to the amount of debt forgiven (Box 2) and the value listed for their home ( Box 7).
Note: Legislation enacted in October 2008 extended this relief through 2012. Thus this relief now applies to debt forgiven in calendar years 2007 through 2012.
Related Items:
Frequently asked questions on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness
Publication 4681, Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments
MORE AT http://www.irs.gov/irs/article/0,,id=179073,00.html
FNMA Announces New Policy For Renters In REO Properties
On January 13 Fannie Mae released an announcement describing a new policy that will allow qualified renters to remain in Fannie Mae-owned foreclosure properties. Formally known as the National Real Estate Owned Rental Policy, it is meant to address the difficulties faced by tenants who – often through no fault of their own – face serious disruptions in their lives because the owner of the property in which they live has been foreclosed upon.
Said Michael Williams, chief operating officer of Fannie Mae, “This policy will allow qualified renters to remain in Fannie Mae-owned properties should they choose to do so, mitigate the disruption of personal lives that foreclosures can cause, and help bring a measure of stability to communities impacted by high foreclosure rates.”
The policy applies to renters who occupy the property at the time of foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. It will not apply to the borrowers who are losing the property, nor to their immediate families. The type of property occupied may be single-family homes, condos, co-ops, manufactured housing, or one-to-four unit buildings. The only requirement is that the property is a Fannie Mae REO, and that it conforms to all applicable local and state requirements for a rental property.
Key features of the new policy are as follows:
After the foreclosure is complete, renters will be offered the opportunity to either accept an incentive payment to vacate the property (“Cash for Keys”) or they may sign a new month-to-month rental agreement with Fannie Mae.
Fannie Mae will not require payment histories or credit checks.
Renters will be charged market rents. This may require a local rent survey for comparison purposes. Fannie Mae will “review each instance where the market rate may require a tenant to pay additional rent and will work to reach an equitable solution.”
No security deposit will be required. On the other hand, the announcement is silent on Fannie Mae’s possible obligations if an unreturned security deposit had been paid to the foreclosed- upon former owner.
The property will be for sale, and may undergo repair or rehab work, during the term of the tenancy. “If the property sells, the lease will transfer to the new owner.”
The property will be managed by a real estate broker and/or a property management company.
Whether the new Fannie Mae policy will be a good thing is yet to be determined. Having lost many, many millions of dollars, Fannie Mae has already demonstrated that it was not particularly good at its core business. There is little reason to think that it will be good at the landlord business either. Even with property management companies, someone has to manage the property managers.
Already, one can see that the policy may not be particularly good for many tenants. Suppose you had begun a one-year lease in September, and now, in January, the property has been foreclosed upon. Fannie Mae offers you a month-to-month tenancy while the property is for sale. You still might have to move before school is out.
Nor does it look terribly attractive on the buyer side. A prospective owner-occupant doesn’t want a tenant in possession when he closes escrow. And neither he nor an investor buyer can be very positive about taking a property where the tenant occupant has paid no security deposit.
It’s a nice idea, but the new Fannie Mae policy is probably going to require some refinement.
January 2009
Said Michael Williams, chief operating officer of Fannie Mae, “This policy will allow qualified renters to remain in Fannie Mae-owned properties should they choose to do so, mitigate the disruption of personal lives that foreclosures can cause, and help bring a measure of stability to communities impacted by high foreclosure rates.”
The policy applies to renters who occupy the property at the time of foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. It will not apply to the borrowers who are losing the property, nor to their immediate families. The type of property occupied may be single-family homes, condos, co-ops, manufactured housing, or one-to-four unit buildings. The only requirement is that the property is a Fannie Mae REO, and that it conforms to all applicable local and state requirements for a rental property.
Key features of the new policy are as follows:
After the foreclosure is complete, renters will be offered the opportunity to either accept an incentive payment to vacate the property (“Cash for Keys”) or they may sign a new month-to-month rental agreement with Fannie Mae.
Fannie Mae will not require payment histories or credit checks.
Renters will be charged market rents. This may require a local rent survey for comparison purposes. Fannie Mae will “review each instance where the market rate may require a tenant to pay additional rent and will work to reach an equitable solution.”
No security deposit will be required. On the other hand, the announcement is silent on Fannie Mae’s possible obligations if an unreturned security deposit had been paid to the foreclosed- upon former owner.
The property will be for sale, and may undergo repair or rehab work, during the term of the tenancy. “If the property sells, the lease will transfer to the new owner.”
The property will be managed by a real estate broker and/or a property management company.
Whether the new Fannie Mae policy will be a good thing is yet to be determined. Having lost many, many millions of dollars, Fannie Mae has already demonstrated that it was not particularly good at its core business. There is little reason to think that it will be good at the landlord business either. Even with property management companies, someone has to manage the property managers.
Already, one can see that the policy may not be particularly good for many tenants. Suppose you had begun a one-year lease in September, and now, in January, the property has been foreclosed upon. Fannie Mae offers you a month-to-month tenancy while the property is for sale. You still might have to move before school is out.
Nor does it look terribly attractive on the buyer side. A prospective owner-occupant doesn’t want a tenant in possession when he closes escrow. And neither he nor an investor buyer can be very positive about taking a property where the tenant occupant has paid no security deposit.
It’s a nice idea, but the new Fannie Mae policy is probably going to require some refinement.
January 2009
Obama's Housing Plan Gets Mixed Reviews
February 18, 2009, 9:42 am
Interesting plan, but as the sheriff said to the captain in Jaws: we're going to need a bigger boat.
Please read the whole article and then go to the Wall Street Journal website on the article and read the comments. You think you have some problems with this plan? Read the comments! People are angry!
Click for the article and comments.
Obama’s Plan Aimed at Helping Troubled Homeowners
Here’s the summary of the Obama administration’s plan aimed at helping Distressed Homeowners
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan
Executive Summary
The deep contraction in the economy and in the housing market has created devastating consequences for homeowners and communities throughout the country.
· Millions of responsible families who make their monthly payments and fulfill their obligations have seen their property values fall, and are now unable to refinance at lower mortgage rates.
· Millions of workers have lost their jobs or had their hours cut back, are now struggling to stay current on their mortgage payments – with nearly 6 million households facing possible foreclosure.
· Neighborhoods are struggling, as each foreclosed home reduces nearby property values by as much as 9 percent.
1. Refinancing for Up to 4 to 5 Million Responsible Homeowners to Make Their Mortgages More Affortdable
2. A $75 Billion Homeowner Stability Initiative to Reach Up to 3 to 4 Million At-Risk Homeowners
3. Supporting Low Mortgage Rages by Strengthening Confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan is part of the President’s broad, comprehensive strategy to get the economy back on track. The plan will help up to 7 to 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages to avoid foreclosure. In doing so, the plan not only helps responsible homeowners on the verge of defaulting, but prevents neighborhoods and communities from being pulled over the edge too, as defaults and foreclosures contribute to falling home values, failing local businesses, and lost jobs. The key components of the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan are:
1. Affordability: Provide Access to Low-Cost Refinancing for Responsible Homeowners Suffering From Falling Home Prices
· Enabling Up to 4 to 5 Million Responsible Homeowners to Refinance: Mortgage rates are currently at historically low levels, providing homeowners with the opportunity to reduce their monthly payments by refinancing. But under current rules, most families who owe more than 80 percent of the value of their homes have a difficult time refinancing. Yet millions of responsible homeowners who put money down and made their mortgage payments on time have – through no fault of their own – seen the value of their homes drop low enough to make them unable to access these lower rates. As a result, the Obama Administration is announcing a new program that will help as many as 4 to 5 million responsible homeowners who took out conforming loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to refinance through those two institutions.
· Reducing Monthly Payments: For many families, a low-cost refinancing could reduce mortgage payments by thousands of dollars per year:
o Consider a family that took out a 30-year fixed rate mortgage of $207,000 with an interest rate of 6.50% on a house worth $260,000 at the time. Today, that family has about $200,000 remaining on their mortgage, but the value of that home has fallen 15 percent to $221,000 – making them ineligible for today’s low interest rates that now generally require the borrower to have 20 percent home equity. Under this refinancing plan, that family could refinance to a rate near 5.16% – reducing their annual payments by over $2,300.
2. Stability: Create A $75 Billion Homeowner Stability Initiative to Reach Up to 3 to 4 Million At-Risk Homeowners
· Helping Hard-Pressed Homeowners Stay in their Homes: This initiative is intended to reach millions of responsible homeowners who are struggling to afford their mortgage payments because of the current recession, yet cannot sell their homes because prices have fallen so significantly. Millions of hard-working families have seen their mortgage payments rise to 40 or even 50 percent of their monthly income – particularly those who received subprime and exotic loans with exploding terms and hidden fees. The Homeowner Stability Initiative helps those who commit to make reasonable monthly mortgage payments to stay in their homes – providing families with security and neighborhoods with stability.
· No Aid for Speculators: This initiative will go solely to helping homeowners who commit to make payments to stay in their home – it will not aid speculators or house flippers.
· Protecting Neighborhoods: This plan will also help to stabilize home prices for all homeowners in a neighborhood. When a home goes into foreclosure, the entire neighborhood is hurt. The average homeowner could see his or her home value stabilized against declines in price by as much as $6,000 relative to what it would otherwise be absent the Homeowner Stability Initiative.
· Providing Support for Responsible Homeowners: Because loan modifications are more likely to succeed if they are made before a borrower misses a payment, the plan will include households at risk of imminent default despite being current on their mortgage payments.
· Providing Loan Modifications to Bring Monthly Payments to Sustainable Levels: The Homeowner Stability Initiative has a simple goal: reduce the amount homeowners owe per month to sustainable levels. Using money allocated under the Financial Stability Plan and the full strength of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, this program has several key components:
§ A Shared Effort to Reduce Monthly Payments: For a sample household with payments adding up to 43 percent of his monthly income, the lender would first be responsible for bringing down interest rates so that the borrower’s monthly mortgage payment is no more than 38 percent of his or her income. Next, the initiative would match further reductions in interest payments dollar-for-dollar with the lender to bring that ratio down to 31 percent. If that borrower had a $220,000 mortgage, that could mean a reduction in monthly payments by over $400. That lower interest rate must be kept in place for five years, after which it could gradually be stepped up to the conforming loan rate in place at the time of the modification. Lenders will also be able to bring down monthly payments by reducing the principal owed on the mortgage, with Treasury sharing in the costs.
§ “Pay for Success” Incentives to Servicers: Servicers will receive an up-front fee of $1,000 for each eligible modification meeting guidelines established under this initiative. They will also receive “pay for success” fees – awarded monthly as long as the borrower stays current on the loan – of up to $1,000 each year for three years.
§ Incentives to Help Borrowers Stay Current: To provide an extra incentive for borrowers to keep paying on time, the initiative will provide a monthly balance reduction payment that goes straight towards reducing the principal balance of the mortgage loan. As long as a borrower stays current on his or her loan, he or she can get up to $1,000 each year for five years.
§ Reaching Borrowers Early: To keep lenders focused on reaching borrowers who are trying their best to stay current on their mortgages, an incentive payment of $500 will be paid to servicers, and an incentive payment of $1,500 will be paid to mortgage holders, if they modify at-risk loans before the borrower falls behind.
§ Home Price Decline Reserve Payments: To encourage lenders to modify more mortgages and enable more families to keep their homes, the Administration — together with the FDIC — has developed an innovative partial guarantee initiative. The insurance fund – to be created by the Treasury Department at a size of up to $10 billion – will be designed to discourage lenders from opting to foreclose on mortgages that could be viable now out of fear that home prices will fall even further later on. Holders of mortgages modified under the program would be provided with an additional insurance payment on each modified loan, linked to declines in the home price index.
· Institute Clear and Consistent Guidelines for Loan Modifications: Treasury will develop uniform guidance for loan modifications across the mortgage industry, working closely with the bank agencies and building on the FDIC’s pioneering work. The Guidelines will be used for the Administration’s new foreclosure prevention plan. Moreover, all financial institutions receiving Financial Stability Plan financial assistance going forward will be required to implement loan modification plans consistent with Treasury Guidance. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will use these guidelines for loans that they own or guarantee, and the Administration will work with regulators and other federal and state agencies to implement these guidelines across the entire mortgage market. The agencies will seek to apply these guidelines when permissible and appropriate to all loans owned or guaranteed by the federal government, including those owned or guaranteed by Ginnie Mae, the Federal Housing Administration, Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, Veterans’ Affairs and the Department of Agriculture.
· Other Comprehensive Measures to Reduce Foreclosure and Strengthen Communities
§ Require Strong Oversight, Reporting and Quarterly Meetings with Treasury, the FDIC, the Federal Reserve and HUD to Monitor Performance
§ Allow Judicial Modifications of Home Mortgages During Bankruptcy for Borrowers Who Have Run Out of Options
§ Provide $1.5 Billion in Relocation and Other Forms of Assistance to Renters Displaced by Foreclosure and $2 Billion in Neighborhood Stabilization Funds
§ Improve the Flexibility of Hope for Homeowners and Other FHA Programs to Modify and Refinance At-Risk Borrowers
3. Supporting Low Mortgage Rates By Strengthening Confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
· Ensuring Strength and Security of the Mortgage Market: Today, using funds already authorized in 2008 by Congress for this purpose, the Treasury Department is increasing its funding commitment to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure the strength and security of the mortgage market and to help maintain mortgage affordability.
o Provide Forward-Looking Confidence: The increased funding will enable Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to carry out ambitious efforts to ensure mortgage affordability for responsible homeowners, and provide forward-looking confidence in the mortgage market.
o Treasury is increasing its Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements to $200 billion each from their original level of $100 billion each.
· Promoting Stability and Liquidity: In addition, the Treasury Department will continue to purchase Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities to promote stability and liquidity in the marketplace.
· Increasing The Size of Mortgage Portfolios: To ensure that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can continue to provide assistance in addressing problems in the housing market, Treasury will also be increasing the size of the GSEs’ retained mortgage portfolios allowed under the agreements – by $50 billion to $900 billion – along with corresponding increases in the allowable debt outstanding.
· Support State Housing Finance Agencies: The Administration will work with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to support state housing finance agencies in serving homebuyers.
· No EESA or Financial Stability Plan Money: The $200 billion in funding commitments are being made under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act and do not use any money from the Financial Stability Plan or Emergency Economic Stabilization Act/TARP.
Interesting plan, but as the sheriff said to the captain in Jaws: we're going to need a bigger boat.
Please read the whole article and then go to the Wall Street Journal website on the article and read the comments. You think you have some problems with this plan? Read the comments! People are angry!
Click for the article and comments.
Obama’s Plan Aimed at Helping Troubled Homeowners
Here’s the summary of the Obama administration’s plan aimed at helping Distressed Homeowners
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan
Executive Summary
The deep contraction in the economy and in the housing market has created devastating consequences for homeowners and communities throughout the country.
· Millions of responsible families who make their monthly payments and fulfill their obligations have seen their property values fall, and are now unable to refinance at lower mortgage rates.
· Millions of workers have lost their jobs or had their hours cut back, are now struggling to stay current on their mortgage payments – with nearly 6 million households facing possible foreclosure.
· Neighborhoods are struggling, as each foreclosed home reduces nearby property values by as much as 9 percent.
1. Refinancing for Up to 4 to 5 Million Responsible Homeowners to Make Their Mortgages More Affortdable
2. A $75 Billion Homeowner Stability Initiative to Reach Up to 3 to 4 Million At-Risk Homeowners
3. Supporting Low Mortgage Rages by Strengthening Confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan is part of the President’s broad, comprehensive strategy to get the economy back on track. The plan will help up to 7 to 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages to avoid foreclosure. In doing so, the plan not only helps responsible homeowners on the verge of defaulting, but prevents neighborhoods and communities from being pulled over the edge too, as defaults and foreclosures contribute to falling home values, failing local businesses, and lost jobs. The key components of the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan are:
1. Affordability: Provide Access to Low-Cost Refinancing for Responsible Homeowners Suffering From Falling Home Prices
· Enabling Up to 4 to 5 Million Responsible Homeowners to Refinance: Mortgage rates are currently at historically low levels, providing homeowners with the opportunity to reduce their monthly payments by refinancing. But under current rules, most families who owe more than 80 percent of the value of their homes have a difficult time refinancing. Yet millions of responsible homeowners who put money down and made their mortgage payments on time have – through no fault of their own – seen the value of their homes drop low enough to make them unable to access these lower rates. As a result, the Obama Administration is announcing a new program that will help as many as 4 to 5 million responsible homeowners who took out conforming loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to refinance through those two institutions.
· Reducing Monthly Payments: For many families, a low-cost refinancing could reduce mortgage payments by thousands of dollars per year:
o Consider a family that took out a 30-year fixed rate mortgage of $207,000 with an interest rate of 6.50% on a house worth $260,000 at the time. Today, that family has about $200,000 remaining on their mortgage, but the value of that home has fallen 15 percent to $221,000 – making them ineligible for today’s low interest rates that now generally require the borrower to have 20 percent home equity. Under this refinancing plan, that family could refinance to a rate near 5.16% – reducing their annual payments by over $2,300.
2. Stability: Create A $75 Billion Homeowner Stability Initiative to Reach Up to 3 to 4 Million At-Risk Homeowners
· Helping Hard-Pressed Homeowners Stay in their Homes: This initiative is intended to reach millions of responsible homeowners who are struggling to afford their mortgage payments because of the current recession, yet cannot sell their homes because prices have fallen so significantly. Millions of hard-working families have seen their mortgage payments rise to 40 or even 50 percent of their monthly income – particularly those who received subprime and exotic loans with exploding terms and hidden fees. The Homeowner Stability Initiative helps those who commit to make reasonable monthly mortgage payments to stay in their homes – providing families with security and neighborhoods with stability.
· No Aid for Speculators: This initiative will go solely to helping homeowners who commit to make payments to stay in their home – it will not aid speculators or house flippers.
· Protecting Neighborhoods: This plan will also help to stabilize home prices for all homeowners in a neighborhood. When a home goes into foreclosure, the entire neighborhood is hurt. The average homeowner could see his or her home value stabilized against declines in price by as much as $6,000 relative to what it would otherwise be absent the Homeowner Stability Initiative.
· Providing Support for Responsible Homeowners: Because loan modifications are more likely to succeed if they are made before a borrower misses a payment, the plan will include households at risk of imminent default despite being current on their mortgage payments.
· Providing Loan Modifications to Bring Monthly Payments to Sustainable Levels: The Homeowner Stability Initiative has a simple goal: reduce the amount homeowners owe per month to sustainable levels. Using money allocated under the Financial Stability Plan and the full strength of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, this program has several key components:
§ A Shared Effort to Reduce Monthly Payments: For a sample household with payments adding up to 43 percent of his monthly income, the lender would first be responsible for bringing down interest rates so that the borrower’s monthly mortgage payment is no more than 38 percent of his or her income. Next, the initiative would match further reductions in interest payments dollar-for-dollar with the lender to bring that ratio down to 31 percent. If that borrower had a $220,000 mortgage, that could mean a reduction in monthly payments by over $400. That lower interest rate must be kept in place for five years, after which it could gradually be stepped up to the conforming loan rate in place at the time of the modification. Lenders will also be able to bring down monthly payments by reducing the principal owed on the mortgage, with Treasury sharing in the costs.
§ “Pay for Success” Incentives to Servicers: Servicers will receive an up-front fee of $1,000 for each eligible modification meeting guidelines established under this initiative. They will also receive “pay for success” fees – awarded monthly as long as the borrower stays current on the loan – of up to $1,000 each year for three years.
§ Incentives to Help Borrowers Stay Current: To provide an extra incentive for borrowers to keep paying on time, the initiative will provide a monthly balance reduction payment that goes straight towards reducing the principal balance of the mortgage loan. As long as a borrower stays current on his or her loan, he or she can get up to $1,000 each year for five years.
§ Reaching Borrowers Early: To keep lenders focused on reaching borrowers who are trying their best to stay current on their mortgages, an incentive payment of $500 will be paid to servicers, and an incentive payment of $1,500 will be paid to mortgage holders, if they modify at-risk loans before the borrower falls behind.
§ Home Price Decline Reserve Payments: To encourage lenders to modify more mortgages and enable more families to keep their homes, the Administration — together with the FDIC — has developed an innovative partial guarantee initiative. The insurance fund – to be created by the Treasury Department at a size of up to $10 billion – will be designed to discourage lenders from opting to foreclose on mortgages that could be viable now out of fear that home prices will fall even further later on. Holders of mortgages modified under the program would be provided with an additional insurance payment on each modified loan, linked to declines in the home price index.
· Institute Clear and Consistent Guidelines for Loan Modifications: Treasury will develop uniform guidance for loan modifications across the mortgage industry, working closely with the bank agencies and building on the FDIC’s pioneering work. The Guidelines will be used for the Administration’s new foreclosure prevention plan. Moreover, all financial institutions receiving Financial Stability Plan financial assistance going forward will be required to implement loan modification plans consistent with Treasury Guidance. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will use these guidelines for loans that they own or guarantee, and the Administration will work with regulators and other federal and state agencies to implement these guidelines across the entire mortgage market. The agencies will seek to apply these guidelines when permissible and appropriate to all loans owned or guaranteed by the federal government, including those owned or guaranteed by Ginnie Mae, the Federal Housing Administration, Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, Veterans’ Affairs and the Department of Agriculture.
· Other Comprehensive Measures to Reduce Foreclosure and Strengthen Communities
§ Require Strong Oversight, Reporting and Quarterly Meetings with Treasury, the FDIC, the Federal Reserve and HUD to Monitor Performance
§ Allow Judicial Modifications of Home Mortgages During Bankruptcy for Borrowers Who Have Run Out of Options
§ Provide $1.5 Billion in Relocation and Other Forms of Assistance to Renters Displaced by Foreclosure and $2 Billion in Neighborhood Stabilization Funds
§ Improve the Flexibility of Hope for Homeowners and Other FHA Programs to Modify and Refinance At-Risk Borrowers
3. Supporting Low Mortgage Rates By Strengthening Confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
· Ensuring Strength and Security of the Mortgage Market: Today, using funds already authorized in 2008 by Congress for this purpose, the Treasury Department is increasing its funding commitment to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure the strength and security of the mortgage market and to help maintain mortgage affordability.
o Provide Forward-Looking Confidence: The increased funding will enable Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to carry out ambitious efforts to ensure mortgage affordability for responsible homeowners, and provide forward-looking confidence in the mortgage market.
o Treasury is increasing its Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements to $200 billion each from their original level of $100 billion each.
· Promoting Stability and Liquidity: In addition, the Treasury Department will continue to purchase Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities to promote stability and liquidity in the marketplace.
· Increasing The Size of Mortgage Portfolios: To ensure that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can continue to provide assistance in addressing problems in the housing market, Treasury will also be increasing the size of the GSEs’ retained mortgage portfolios allowed under the agreements – by $50 billion to $900 billion – along with corresponding increases in the allowable debt outstanding.
· Support State Housing Finance Agencies: The Administration will work with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to support state housing finance agencies in serving homebuyers.
· No EESA or Financial Stability Plan Money: The $200 billion in funding commitments are being made under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act and do not use any money from the Financial Stability Plan or Emergency Economic Stabilization Act/TARP.
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