Friday, August 03, 2007

The SCV Home Team Supports Evan the Warrior

Hello everyone!

First of all we would like to thank you for caring about Evan. He is doing well. He is fighting for his cure like a champ. You can keep updated on his website that he and mom maintain at sitename: evanthewarrior He loves receiving messages.

Second, wow! We are thrilled to have so many of you. Please know that we will do our best to keep everyone updated on our Fundraising efforts for Evan. We have been dubbed Evan's Warrior Women. We have begun fundraising efforts already and we have some really exciting events planned. You can keep up with the fundraising efforts at also, if you ever have any questions you can email us at We promise to do our best to answer and be prompt. Please be patient if it takes a while though.

Tomorrow, we are holding our last Recycling day for the summer. We will be continuing this monthly. For those of you that have been participating thank you! Please collect all your CRV beverage containers and bring them to Highlands tomorrow, Saturday, August 4th from 9-11 a.m. We will come to you, so if you like you don't even need to get out of your car! This has been a great way of raising funds for Evan and his family.

Evan, his mom Kimberly, and big brother Ryan are looking to move back to Santa Clarita this month. They need our help in finding a rental in the Tesoro Del Valle area. They need to be close enough to Rio del Norte for Ryan to walk to and from in the times that Kimberly is with Evan at appointments. Realtor Ray at has been working extremely hard for Evan's family. He needs our help in finding available rentals for a 2 year lease for Kimberly. If you know of anything, please contact Realtor Ray through his website. The sooner we can help Evan get back to his comfort zone, the better he'll do.

Also, since this is our first mass mailing, please let us know if you are on the list more than once or there is a better email to contact you at.

Hopefully, we'll see a bunch of you on Saturday. In the meanwhile, keep drinking your bottled water, sodas, and those beverages that come in glass containers. Save those CRV beverage containers for Evan. It saves the environment and helps Evan.

Check the Warrior Women website on Sunday for our brand new fundraising effort. It is a fashion must. Your children will not want to start school without our Evan's newest fashion accessory! Check it out at You can also make a donation via PayPal by clicking on the tip jar. Also, while you're visiting our site, please take a moment to click on the ads in the sidebar. Evan gets paid per click through. This is a way for you to donate to Evan and his family for free. It takes just minutes from your day. Please do this daily even if we've not yet updated our site! Thanks.

If you would like to make a direct donation to Evan at Washington Mutual, his account number is: 395-173464-5. You can also mail a check directly at the address below. Thank you sincerely!

Also, Evan loves getting snail mail. You and your children can write him letters, draw pictures, etc. and mail them to:
Evan the Warrior Hutchison
P.O. Box 800883
Santa Clarita, CA
91380 evanthewarrior

Thank you, with our most abundant graciousness. Please know that Kimberly, Evan, and Ryan are profoundly grateful for all the support and care they've received. My daughter said the other day, "Mom, it's good to know there are still good people in this world." She's right it is. We have proof that there are at least 300 really good people involved with Evan. Not to mention the countless strangers who stop at his site everyday and cheer our warrior on.

Evan's Warrior Women and The Hutchison Family.
Betsy Tobon
Sarah Eaton
Kathy Hare
Lori Rosales
Athena Styers
Alisa Doucette
Kimberly Hutchison

Evan's Warrior Women
Beating ALL one nasty cell at a time

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